module ChartsHelper




Hipposoft 2008


Help views use the charts controller.

11-Mar-2008 (ADH): Created.



Public Instance Methods

charthelp_image( duration, committed, not_committed, width, height ) click to toggle source

Return an HTML <img> tag which includes a Gruff-generated pie chart summarising a task based on the given duration, committed and not committed hours, using the given width and height (pixels). The height of the generated image tends to depend on Gruff, so it’s only given the width. If you wish to have the image appear undistorted, generate one at the given width, check its actual height then use that value from then on.

# File app/helpers/charts_helper.rb, line 46
def charthelp_image( duration, committed, not_committed, width, height )
  return image_tag(
    charthelp_image_url( duration, committed, not_committed, width ),
      :size => "#{ width }x#{ height }",
      :alt  => "Overview"
charthelp_image_url( duration, committed, not_committed, width ) click to toggle source

Return an image URL which will resolve to a pie chart summarising a task based on the given duration, committed and not committed hours, using the given width (pixels).

# File app/helpers/charts_helper.rb, line 18
def charthelp_image_url( duration, committed, not_committed, width )

  # Rails routes don't like "." appearing in the middle of a URL.
  # "CGI.escape()" doesn't touch them, so change them manually to
  # underscores for maximum inoffensiveness! The controller changes
  # them back.

  duration      = duration.to_s.sub( '.', '_' )
  committed     = committed.to_s.sub( '.', '_' )
  not_committed = not_committed.to_s.sub( '.', '_' )

  return chart_url(
    :width         => width,
    :duration      => duration,
    :committed     => committed,
    :not_committed => not_committed