module ApplicationHelper




Hipposoft 2007


Standard Rails application helper.

24-Dec-2007 (ADH): Created.

Public Instance Methods

apphelp_action_name( action, use_default = false ) click to toggle source

Return an internationalised version of the given action name. If ‘true’ is passed in the second parameter, a default fallback of the humanized version of the non-internationalised action name will be chosen. If this parameter is omitted or ‘false’ is given, the I18n engine’s “missing token” message is returned instead (no default string is used).

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 37
def apphelp_action_name( action, use_default = false )
  options = use_default ? { :default => action.to_s.humanize } : {}
  t( "{ action }", options )
apphelp_boolean( bool ) click to toggle source

Return ‘yes’ or ‘no’, internationalised, according to the given value, which is evaluated as (or should already be) a boolean. Remember that in Ruby the boolean evaluation of certain types can be unexpected - e.g. integer zero is not “nil”, so it evaluates to ‘true’ in a boolean context.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 131
def apphelp_boolean( bool )
  apphelp_generic( bool ? :yes : :no )
apphelp_brief_action_name( action ) click to toggle source

Return a brief internationalised version of the given action. Only a limited subset is supported (see the “brief_action_names” list in “config/locales/en.yml” for details). Intended for list views typically.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 46
def apphelp_brief_action_name( action )
  t( "{ action }" )
apphelp_collection_select( form, objfield, collection, colsetfield, colseefield, multiple = true ) click to toggle source

Run ‘collection_select’ for the given form with the given arguments for the field name of the target object to be updated, the collection, the field from within that collection to use for the values to actually set in the target object and the field from within that collection to use for the values displayed to the user.

A sixth optional boolean parameter, defaulting to ‘true’, says whether or not the selection list should allow multiple selections (for this, pass ‘true’). The function takes care of working out how tall to make the selection list (the ‘size’ parameter) internally, which is really the only reason to call here rather than calling ‘collection_select’ directly.

Single selection items will include blank entries.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 322
def apphelp_collection_select( form, objfield, collection, colsetfield, colseefield, multiple = true )
  return form.collection_select(
    multiple ? {} : { :include_blank => 'None' },
    apphelp_extra_selection_args( collection, multiple )
apphelp_commit_label( item, active = nil ) click to toggle source

Output HTML suitable as a label to show whether or not the given object is active or otherwise. The second parameter lets you override the given object and force the generation of an active (pass ‘true’) or inactive (pass ‘false’) label.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 181
def apphelp_commit_label( item, active = nil )
  active = if ( active.nil? )

  return content_tag(
    active ? 'Active' : 'Inactive',
    { :class => ( active ? :active : :inactive ) }
apphelp_created_at( obj ) click to toggle source

Column formatting helper for creation dates. Pass an object with a created_at method. The value returned is used for display.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 678
def apphelp_created_at( obj )
  return apphelp_date( obj.created_at )
apphelp_date( date ) click to toggle source

Standard date formatting; pass the date to format. This can be either a date-only Date class, or a date-with-time DateTime class. Returns HTML, marked HTML safe.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 221
def apphelp_date( date )
  date_strfmt = I18n::t( '' )
  date_format = "<span class=\"nowrap\">#{ date_strfmt }</span>"

  if ( date.is_a?( Date ) )
    return date.strftime( date_format ).html_safe()
    time_strfmt = I18n::t( '' )
    time_format = "<span class=\"nowrap\">#{ time_strfmt }</span>"
    return date.strftime(
        { :date => date_format, :time => time_format }
apphelp_date_plain( date ) click to toggle source

As “#apphelp_date”, but plain text only (done as a separate method rather than via extra parameters and conditionals for speed).

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 242
def apphelp_date_plain( date )
  date_strfmt = I18n::t( '' )

  if ( date.is_a?( Date ) )
    return date.strftime( date_strfmt )
    time_strfmt = I18n::t( '' )
    return date.strftime(
        { :date => date_strfmt, :time => time_strfmt }
apphelp_extra_selection_args( collection, multiple ) click to toggle source

Return standard extra arguments for selection lists based on a collection (its size is taken) and “multiple” flag

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 303
def apphelp_extra_selection_args( collection, multiple )
  return multiple ? { :multiple => true, :size => [ collection.size, 10 ].min } : {}
apphelp_flash_messages( indent = '' ) click to toggle source

Return any flash messages using class names prefixed by “flash_”, with the suffix being the key name from the flash hash. The messages are wrapped by a DIV with class ‘messages’. If there are no messages to show, an empty string is returned. Optionally pass an indent string to add at the front of any non-empty line of output. If a non-empty result is returned, note that it will be terminated by “nn”. Result contains HTML but is safe and marked as such.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 143
def apphelp_flash_messages( indent = '' )
  output = ''

  flash.keys.each do | key |
    output << "<div class='flash_#{ h( key ) }'>#{ h( flash[ key ] ) }</div>"

  unless ( output.empty? )
    output = "#{ indent }#{ content_tag( :div, output.html_safe(), { :class => 'messages' } ) }\n\n"

  return output.html_safe()
apphelp_generic( message_name ) click to toggle source

Shortcut for long references to “” when reading generic messages from the locale file. Pass the message token part (e.g. “yes”, “no”, “confirmation”). Only useful for basic messages which require no parameter substitution or default lookup values.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 77
def apphelp_generic( message_name )
  I18n::t( "{ message_name }" )
apphelp_h( value ) click to toggle source

Equivalent of ‘h()’, but returns ‘-’ for nil or empty strings.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 20
def apphelp_h( value )
  return '-'.html_safe() if ( value.blank? )
  return h( value )
apphelp_heading( ctrl = controller, action = nil, default = nil ) click to toggle source

Return an internationalised heading appropriate for a page handling the current action for the current controller, or the given controller and optional given action name. If you want to use a default string, pass it in the optional third parameter. Headings like this can be (and are) also used as descriptive action link text.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 56
def apphelp_heading( ctrl = controller, action = nil, default = nil )
  action ||= ctrl.action_name

    "{ ctrl.controller_name }.action_title_#{ action }",
    :default => default
apphelp_hours( hours ) click to toggle source

Simple wrapper over ‘pluralize’ to return a string indicating a number of hours mathematically rounded to two decimal places.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 194
def apphelp_hours( hours )
  pluralize( hours.precision( 2 ), 'hour' )
apphelp_list_header( structure, index_method, actions_method = nil ) click to toggle source

Construct a header row for a list table, returning HTML for it. The table outer definition must be included externally. To define the row contents, pass an array of hashes. Each array entry corresponds to a cell in the row, built in order of appearance in the array. The hashes can contain optional property “header_align” to override the row alignment for that cell; the property’s value is used directly as a TH “align” value.

Each hash must include property “header_text” giving the heading text for that cell. The text is placed in the cell wrapped up in an HTML link which will re-fetch the list view with modified search parameters. To achieve this requires a second mandatory input parameter, which is the name of the method to use for the ‘index’ view - e.g. “users_path” or (for an example nested resource) “user_saved_reports_path”.

A blank header cell is placed at the end of the row to appear above an actions column if the third optiona parameter is non-nil. If nil, no room is made for an actions column.

See also apphelp_list_row.


    { :header_text => 'User name' },
    { :header_text => 'Age', :header_align => 'center' },
    { :header_text => 'E-mail address' }
# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 452
def apphelp_list_header( structure, index_method, actions_method = nil )
  output = "        <tr class=\"info\">\n"

  structure.each_index do | index |
    entry      = structure[ index ]
    align      = entry[ :header_align ]
    sort_class = nil

    if ( params[ :sort ] == index.to_s )
      if ( params[ :direction ] == 'desc' )
        sort_class = "sorted_column_desc"
        sort_class = "sorted_column_asc"

    output << "          <th"
    output << " class=\"#{ sort_class }\"" unless ( sort_class.nil? )

    if ( align.nil? )
      output << ">" if ( align.nil? )
      output << " style=\"text-align: #{ align }\">"

    if ( entry[ :value_method ] or entry[ :sort_by ] )
      output << apphelp_list_header_link( index_method, entry[ :header_text ], index )
      output << entry[ :header_text ]

    output << "</th>\n"

  output << "          <th class=\"spacer\">&nbsp;</th>\n" unless ( actions_method.nil? )
  return ( output << "        </tr>\n" ).html_safe()
apphelp_list_row( structure, item, actions_method, with_reports = false ) click to toggle source

Construct a body row for a list table, returning HTML for it. The table outer definition must be included externally. To define the row contents, pass an array of hashes. Each array entry corresponds to a cell in the row, built in order of appearance in the array. The hashes can contain optional property “value_align” to override the row alignment for that cell; the property’s value is used directly as a TD “align” value.

Each hash must include property “value_method”. This method will be invoked on the object given in the second function input parameter and must return a displayable value for the cell. The output is made safe by wrapping with a call to “h()” automatically.

The third input parameter is the name of a helper method which will be invoked with the current item as a parameter. It must return the names of actions permitted for that item, in an array. Actions will be placed in the final cell on the row as normal links. If the parameter is ‘nil’, no actions cell will be added onto the rows.

The fourth input parameter is optional. If present and ‘true’, buttons linking to auto-generated reports relevant for the resource at hand are added in the actions area. For example, a task would link to a report for hours on just that task; a user to a user report over all tasks; a project to all tasks in that project and so-on.

Since models can’t always generate what you want (e.g. they don’t have access to helpers, so creating values with associations’ “show” views linked to is difficult), you can specify property “value_helper”. This helper method will be called and passed the item. Its return value is used instead of the value method, which won’t be called and can be omitted if a helper is being used instead. HELPER TEXT IS NOT WRAPPED BY A CALL TO “h()” - value helpers MUST do this themselves.

See also apphelp_list_header.


    { :value_method => 'name' },
    { :value_method => 'age', :value_align => 'center' },
    { :value_method => 'email_as_link' } # Custom method in User model
  User.find( :first )
# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 589
def apphelp_list_row( structure, item, actions_method, with_reports = false )
  output = "        <tr class=\"#{ cycle( 'even', 'odd' ) }\">\n"

  # It's assumed that admins can always modify things, but otherwise,
  # we will only allow in-place editors if the model instance can tell
  # us that editing is allowed by the current user.

  can_edit = @current_user.admin? || (
               item.respond_to?( :can_be_modified_by? ) &&
               item.can_be_modified_by?( @current_user )

  # Handle the item columns first

  structure.each_index do | index |
    entry = structure[ index ]
    align = entry[ :value_align ]

    output << "          <td"

    if ( align.nil? )
      output << ">" if ( align.nil? )
      output << " style=\"text-align: #{ align }\">"

    method = entry[ :value_method ]
    helper = entry[ :value_helper ]

    if ( helper )
      output << send( helper, item )

      in_place = entry[ :value_in_place ] && can_edit

      if ( in_place )
        output << safe_in_place_editor_field( item, method )
        value   = item.send( method )
        safestr = ( value === true or value === false ) ?
                               apphelp_boolean( value ) :
                                             h( value )

        output << safestr

    output << "</td>\n"

  # Add the actions cell?

  unless ( actions_method.nil? )
    actions = send( actions_method, item ) || []
    output << "          <td class=\"list_actions\">\n"
    actions.each do | action |
      output << "            "
      if ( action.class == Hash )
        title = apphelp_brief_action_name( action[ :title ] )
        output << link_to( title, action[ :url ] % )
        title = apphelp_brief_action_name( action )
        output << link_to( title, { :action => action, :id => } )
      output << "\n"

    if ( with_reports )
      output << render(
                          :partial => 'shared/report_button',
                          :locals  =>
                            :user => @current_user,
                            :item => item
                      ).gsub( /^/, '            ' )

    output << "          </td>\n"

  return ( output << "        </tr>\n" ).html_safe()
apphelp_object_list( objects, field = :title ) click to toggle source

Return HTML representing a human-readable list of the given objects, as links to titles for the objects. To list a different field, provide the field name as a symbol in the optional second parameter.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 407
def apphelp_object_list( objects, field = :title )
  return 'None' if ( objects.blank? )

  objects.collect! do | object |
    link_to( h( object.send( field ) ), object )

  return objects.join( ', ' ).html_safe()
apphelp_project_selector( select_id, select_name, match, include_none = false ) click to toggle source

Return HTML suitable for an edit form, providing a grouped list of projects that can be assigned to something. The list is grouped by customer in default customer sort order, along with a ‘None’ entry for unassigned projects. Pass an ID for the select list, a name for the select list, and an ID to match within the list to have one of the entries selected (or omit for no pre-selected item). Pass an optional fourth parameter of “true” to include a “none” entry, else exclude it (exclusion is the default behaviour).

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 354
def apphelp_project_selector( select_id, select_name, match, include_none = false )

  customers = []

  # Add the "none" entry; but of a hack, this... :-(

  if ( include_none )
    dummy_project           =        = ''
    dummy_project.title     = 'None'

    dummy_customer          =       = ''
    dummy_customer.title    = 'None'
    dummy_customer.projects = [ dummy_project ]

    customers.push( dummy_customer )

  # Create a dummy customer for the unassigned projects.

  dummy_customer          =
  dummy_customer.title    = 'No assigned customer'
  dummy_customer.projects =

  customers.push( dummy_customer ) unless ( dummy_customer.projects.empty? )

  # Find all customers and loop through, adding those that have at least
  # one assigned project to the 'customers' array. do | customer |
    customers.push( customer ) unless ( )

  return 'There are no active projects.' if ( customers.empty? )

  data = "<select id=\"#{ select_id }\" name=\"#{ select_name }\">"
  data << option_groups_from_collection_for_select(
    customers, # Use customers for groups
    :projects, # A customer's "projects" method returns its project list
    :title,    # Use the customer title for the group labels
    :id,       # A project's "id" method returns the value for an option tag
    :title,    # A project's "title" method is used for the option contents
    match      # Match this ID for the selected option item
  return ( data << '</select>' ).html_safe()
apphelp_range( range ) click to toggle source

As “#apphelp_date”, but returns a representation of a range of two dates, inclusive.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 261
def apphelp_range( range )
    { :start => apphelp_date( range.min ), :finish => apphelp_date( range.max ) }
apphelp_range_plain( range ) click to toggle source

As “#apphelp_date_plain”, but returns a representation of a range of two dates, inclusive.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 271
def apphelp_range_plain( range )
    { :start => apphelp_date_plain( range.min ), :finish => apphelp_date_plain( range.max ) }
apphelp_select( form, objfield, choices, multiple = true ) click to toggle source

As #apphelp_collection_select, but runs ‘select’ rather than ‘collection_select’. The parameters are adjusted accordingly.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 336
def apphelp_select( form, objfield, choices, multiple = true )
    apphelp_extra_selection_args( choices, multiple )
apphelp_sign_or_signed_in() click to toggle source

Return ‘sign in’ or ‘you are signed in’ text indicating current status.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 160
def apphelp_sign_or_signed_in
  if ( @current_user )
    if ( or )
      signinfo = 'Creating new account'
      signinfo = "You are signed in as #{ h( ) } &ndash; #{ link_to( 'sign out', signout_path() ) } "
    # The Application Controller forces redirection to the sign-in page
    # if the user isn't signed in.
    signinfo = "Please #{ link_to( 'sign in', signin_path() ) }"

  return signinfo.html_safe()
apphelp_site_name() click to toggle source

Return an internationalised version of the web site’s name.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 27
def apphelp_site_name
  t( :'' )
apphelp_slug() click to toggle source

Return data for the navigation bar (“slug”).

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 97
def apphelp_slug
  action = h( action_name )
  ctname = h( controller.controller_name )
  sep    = '&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;'.html_safe()
  slug   = link_to( 'Home', home_path() ) << sep

  if ( ctname == 'users' and action == 'home' )
    slug = 'Home'
  elsif ( ctname == 'sessions' and action == 'new' )
    slug << 'Sign in'
  elsif ( action == 'index' or action == 'list' or ctname == 'timesheet_force_commits' )
    slug << apphelp_heading()
  elsif ( ctname == 'reports' )
    slug << link_to( 'Reports', new_user_saved_report_path( @current_user ) ) <<
            sep <<
            'Show report'
  elsif ( ctname == 'saved_reports' )
    slug << link_to( 'Reports', new_user_saved_report_path( @current_user ) ) <<
            sep <<
    slug << link_to( ctname.capitalize(), send( "#{ ctname }_path" ) ) <<
            sep <<

  return slug
apphelp_string_hours( hours, alt_str, empty_str = nil ) click to toggle source

Pass a string representation of worked hours or a duration and a string to show instead of “0.0”, if that’s the duration/worked hours value. Optionally, pass in a string to use instead of an empty string, should the duration/worked hours value be empty itself.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 212
def apphelp_string_hours( hours, alt_str, empty_str = nil )
  return ( empty_str ) if ( hours.empty? and not empty_str.blank? )
  return ( hours == '0.0' ? alt_str : hours )
apphelp_terse_hours( hours, zero_is_blank = false ) click to toggle source

Terse hours - precision 2, don’t show “.0”, no string suffix. If you want a blank string instead of “0”, pass “true” in the second parameter.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 201
def apphelp_terse_hours( hours, zero_is_blank = false )
  hours = hours.precision( 2 ).to_s.chomp( '0' ).chomp( '0' ).chomp( '.' )
  return ''.html_safe() if ( hours == '0' and zero_is_blank )
  return hours
apphelp_title( ctrl = controller ) click to toggle source

Return an internationalised title appropriate for a page handling the current action for the current controller, or the given controller.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 68
def apphelp_title( ctrl = controller )
  "#{ apphelp_site_name }: #{ apphelp_heading( ctrl ) }"
apphelp_view_hint( hint_name, ctrl = controller, substitutions = {} ) click to toggle source

Return a controller view hint, based on looking up “view_<foo>” in the locale file for the given value of “<foo>” (as a string or symbol). The controller handling the current request is consulted by default, else pass a reference to the controller of interest in the optional second parameter. If the hint includes subsitution tokens, pass them in an optional third parameter as a hash.

# File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 88
def apphelp_view_hint( hint_name, ctrl = controller, substitutions = {} )
    "{ ctrl.controller_name }.view_#{ hint_name }",