Hipposoft 2013
Allow administrators to bulk-commit timesheets forcibly, to help deal with users who never manually commit them.
31-Jul-2013 (ADH): Created.
# File app/controllers/timesheet_force_commits_controller.rb, line 27 def create # Unless we get here by someone hacking around with a web page, # the only explanation for a submitted form but a re-counted # timesheet count of zero would be that users submitted things # in other browser sessions while the admin was thinking about # filling in the submitted form. if ( @timesheets.count.zero? ) flash[ :error ] = "No action taken - while you were using the form, all timesheets were committed by their users anyway." redirect_to( home_path() ) and return end # Get a valid, parsed set of Dates into @earliest/@latest # - or nil. form_data = params[ :timesheet_force_commit ] # The "to_date" call may cause date parsing exceptions. begin @object.earliest = @object.to_date( form_data[ :earliest ] ) @object.latest = @object.to_date( form_data[ :latest ] ) rescue => error complain( error ) and return end # Pick earliest/latest instead of 'nil' and bounds check dates. @object.earliest = @object.earliest_limit if ( @object.earliest.nil? || @object.earliest < @object.earliest_limit ) @object.latest = @object.latest_limit if ( @object.latest.nil? || @object.latest > @object.latest_limit ) # Update timesheets. begin Timesheet.transaction do # Construct an ActiveRecord::Relation instance with the # appropriate constraints, then iterate over it in batches # using "find_each". # # Remember that "@object.latest" is an inclusive timesheet # end date and everything runs in UTC. # # We can't use "update_all", even though it'd be fast, as # it doesn't trigger callbacks or validations and both are # important (particularly callbacks). timesheets = Timesheet.where( :committed => false ) timesheets = timesheets.where( 'start_day_cache >= ?', @object.earliest ) timesheets = timesheets.where( 'start_day_cache <= ?', @object.latest - 6.days ) timesheets.find_each do | timesheet | timesheet.committed = true timesheet.save! end end rescue => error complain( error ) and return end flash[ :notice ] = "Timesheets committed successfully." redirect_to( home_path() ) end
# File app/controllers/timesheet_force_commits_controller.rb, line 20 def new unless ( @timesheets.count.zero? ) @object.earliest = @object.earliest_limit @object.latest = @object.latest_limit end end