Hipposoft 2013
Base class for objects which have a ‘used range’ defined by an oldest and newest item in the database.
26-Mar-2013 (ADH): Created.
Return a range of years used by all instances. Optionally pass ‘true’ if you want an actual Date object range rather than just a year range.
Derived classes must set USED_RANGE_COLUMN to the column for sorting; e.g. “created_at”. See also “appctrl_search_range_sql” and elsewhere.
# File app/models/rangeable.rb, line 21 def self.used_range( accurate = false ) # May get nothing back from 'first' if there are no instances of the # record for this model at all in the database, so use 'try' to get # the 'created_at' value or, if there are no objects, 'nil'. first = self.unscoped.order( "#{ self::USED_RANGE_COLUMN } ASC" ).first.try( :created_at ) last = self.unscoped.order( "#{ self::USED_RANGE_COLUMN } DESC" ).first.try( :created_at ) first = last = Date.current if ( first.nil? ) # No instances of this object in database if accurate ( first.to_date )..( last.to_date ) else ( first.year )..( last.year ) end end