Hipposoft 2008
Manage Timesheet objects. See models/timesheet.rb for more.
07-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.
Create a blank timesheet based on the year and week_number values in the params hash. Save and redirect to edit the timesheet immediately. Certain defaults are set up here - the model would be a better place, but it does not have access to the right instance variables or methods required to determine the appropriate values.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 108 def create @timesheet = Timesheet.new() @timesheet.year = params[ :year ] @timesheet.week_number = params[ :week_number ] @timesheet.user = @current_user @timesheet.committed = false # Protect against people hacking around with forms submissions and # attempting to create new timesheets for already-claimed weeks clash = Timesheet.find_by_user_id_and_year_and_week_number( @current_user.id, @timesheet.year, @timesheet.week_number ) if ( clash ) flash[ :error ] = "A timesheet for week #{ @timesheet.week_number } has already been created." elsif ( @timesheet.save ) flash[ :notice ] = 'New timesheet created and ready for editing.' redirect_to( edit_timesheet_path( @timesheet ) ) return end render( :action => 'new' ) end
Timesheets should not normally be destroyed. Only administrators can do this.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 233 def delete appctrl_delete( 'Timesheet' ) end
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 237 def destroy appctrl_admin_destroy( Timesheet ) end
Prepare to edit a timesheet. Any defaults are established by the models automatically. Rows and work packets are included in the editing form.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 139 def edit @timesheet = Timesheet.find( params[ :id ] ) return appctrl_not_permitted() unless @timesheet.can_be_modified_by?( @current_user ) set_next_prev_week_variables( @timesheet ) set_sections( @timesheet ) @selected_rows = [] end
List timesheets.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 25 def index # Set up the column data; see the index helper functions in # application_helper.rb for details. @columns = [ { :header_text => 'Start day', :value_method => 'start_day', :sort_by => 'start_day_cache' }, { :header_text => 'Owner', :value_helper => :timesheethelp_owner, :sort_by => 'users.name, start_day_cache' }, { :header_text => 'Last edited', :value_helper => :timesheethelp_updated_at, :sort_by => 'updated_at' }, { :header_text => 'Committed', :value_helper => :timesheethelp_committed_at, :sort_by => 'committed_at' }, { :header_text => 'Hours', :value_helper => :timesheethelp_hours, :header_align => 'center', :value_align => 'center' }, ] # Get the basic options hash from ApplicationController, then work out # the conditions on objects being fetched, including handling the search # form data. options = appctrl_index_assist( Timesheet ) committed_vars = { :committed => true, :user_id => @current_user.id } not_committed_vars = { :committed => false, :user_id => @current_user.id } user_conditions_sql = "WHERE ( timesheets.committed = :committed ) AND ( users.id = :user_id )\n" other_conditions_sql = "WHERE ( timesheets.committed = :committed ) AND ( users.id != :user_id )\n" range_sql, range_start, range_end = appctrl_search_range_sql( Timesheet, :start_day_cache ) # If asked to search for something, build extra conditions to do so. unless ( range_sql.nil? ) search_num = params[ :search ].to_i search_str = "%#{ params[ :search ] }%" # SQL wildcards either side of the search string conditions_sql = "AND #{ range_sql } ( timesheets.year = :search_num OR timesheets.week_number = :search_num OR users.name ILIKE :search_str )" vars = { :search_num => search_num, :search_str => search_str, :range_start => range_start, :range_end => range_end } user_conditions_sql << conditions_sql other_conditions_sql << conditions_sql committed_vars.merge!( vars ) not_committed_vars.merge!( vars ) end # Sort order is already partially compiled in 'options' from the earlier # call to 'appctrl_index_assist'. order_sql = "ORDER BY #{ options[ :order ] }" options.delete( :order ) basic_sql = "SELECT timesheets.* FROM timesheets\n" << "INNER JOIN users ON ( timesheets.user_id = users.id )" user_finder_sql = "#{ basic_sql }\n#{ user_conditions_sql }\n#{ order_sql }" other_finder_sql = "#{ basic_sql }\n#{ other_conditions_sql }\n#{ order_sql }" # Now paginate using this SQL query. @user_committed_timesheets = Timesheet.paginate_by_sql( [ user_finder_sql, committed_vars ], options ) @user_not_committed_timesheets = Timesheet.paginate_by_sql( [ user_finder_sql, not_committed_vars ], options ) @other_committed_timesheets = Timesheet.paginate_by_sql( [ other_finder_sql, committed_vars ], options ) @other_not_committed_timesheets = Timesheet.paginate_by_sql( [ other_finder_sql, not_committed_vars ], options ) end
Prepare for the ‘new timesheet’ view.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 89 def new @years = Timesheet.allowed_range() @year = params[ :menu ][ :year ].to_i if ( params[ :menu ] ) @year = @year || ( Time.new ).year @year -= 1 unless( params[ :previous ].nil? ) @year += 1 unless( params[ :next ].nil? ) @year = @years.first if ( @year < @years.first ) @year = @years.last if ( @year > @years.last ) end
Show timesheet details.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 222 def show @timesheet = Timesheet.find( params[ :id ] ) return appctrl_not_permitted() unless ( @timesheet and ( @current_user.privileged? or @timesheet.user_id == @current_user.id ) ) set_next_prev_week_variables_for_show( @timesheet ) set_sections( @timesheet ) end
Update a timesheet, its rows and work packets.
# File app/controllers/timesheets_controller.rb, line 151 def update @timesheet = Timesheet.find( params[ :id ] ) return appctrl_not_permitted() unless @timesheet.can_be_modified_by?( @current_user ) @errors = update_backend( @timesheet ) if ( @errors.nil? ) flash[ :error ] = 'This timesheet was modified by someone else while you were making changes. Please examine the updated information before editing again.' redirect_to( timesheet_path( @timesheet ) ) return end @timesheet.reload() set_next_prev_week_variables( @timesheet ) set_sections( @timesheet ) if ( @errors.empty? ) flash[ :notice ] = "Week #{ @timesheet.week_number } changes saved." else restore_errant_form_data() render( :action => :edit ) return end # Save and edit next or previous editable week, creating a clone # timesheet for a previously unused week if need be? if ( params[ :next ] or params[ :previous ] ) another = params[ :next ] ? @next_week : @prev_week if ( another.nil? ) flash[ :error ] = "Cannot find another week to edit in #{ @timesheet.year }." redirect_to( new_timesheet_path() ) return end new_week = another[ :week_number ] new_timesheet = another[ :timesheet ] if ( new_timesheet.nil? ) new_timesheet = clone_timesheet( @timesheet, new_week ) new_timesheet.committed = false if ( new_timesheet.nil? ) flash[ :error ] = "Unable to create a new timesheet for week #{ new_week }." else flash[ :notice ] << " Now editing a new timesheet for week #{ new_week }." end else flash[ :notice ] << " Now editing the timesheet for week #{ new_week }." end if ( new_timesheet.nil? ) redirect_to( new_timesheet_path() ) else redirect_to( edit_timesheet_path( new_timesheet ) ) end elsif ( @timesheet.committed || params[ :commit ] == 'Save changes and exit' ) redirect_to( new_timesheet_path() ) else render( :action => :edit ) end end