Hipposoft 2008
Manage User objects. See models/user.rb for more.
03-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.
Cancel a sign in account edit request.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 181 def cancel id = params[ :id ] @user = User.find( id ) # We must have found a user in the database matching the ID. # The ID must be provided. There must be a currently logged in # user and their ID must match that of the cancellation request. # The user must not have a name yet - if they do, it implies a # created, active account. if ( @user.nil? or id.nil? or @current_user.nil? or ( id.to_i() != ) or ) flash[ :error ] = "Cancellation request not understood." else @user.destroy() flash[ :error ] = 'Sign in cancelled.' end redirect_to( signout_path() ) end
Create a new User account.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 115 def create return appctrl_not_permitted() unless @current_user.admin? @record = @user = @control_panel = @user.control_panel = update_and_save_user( 'New account created', 'new' ) end
Users should not normally be destroyed. Only administrators can do this.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 204 def delete appctrl_delete( 'User' ) end
Show an “Are you sure?” prompt.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 210 def delete_confirm return appctrl_not_permitted() unless ( @current_user.admin? ) # Nobody can delete admin accounts. You must assign the admin # privilege to someone else, then, since you can't revoke your # own admin privileges either, have the new admin change your # account type and delete the user record. This is a good way # of ensuring that there is always at least one admin. @record = User.find( params[ :id ] ) return appctrl_not_permitted() if ( @record.admin? ) @record.destroy() flash[ :notice ] = 'User and all associated data deleted' redirect_to( users_path() ) end
Prepare for the ‘edit’ view, allowing a user to update their account details. Restricted users can only edit their own account.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 127 def edit id = params[ :id ] if ( @current_user.restricted? and != id.to_i ) return appctrl_not_permitted() end @user = User.find( id ) @control_panel = @user.control_panel end
Home page - only show if logged in.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 34 def home redirect_to signin_path() and return if ( @current_user.nil? ) end
List users - not allowed for restricted users
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 40 def index return appctrl_not_permitted() if ( @current_user.restricted? ) # Set up the column data; see the index helper functions in # application_helper.rb for details. @columns = [ { :header_text => 'Name', :value_method => 'name', :value_in_place => true }, { :header_text => 'Code', :value_method => 'code', :value_in_place => true }, { :header_text => 'Account type', :value_method => 'user_type' }, { :header_text => 'E-mail address', :value_method => 'email', :value_helper => 'userhelp_email' }, { :header_text => 'Identity URL', :value_method => 'identity_url', :value_helper => 'userhelp_identity_url' }, ] # Get the basic options hash from ApplicationController, then work out # the conditions on objects being fetched, including handling the search # form data. options = appctrl_index_assist( User ) active_vars = { :active => true } inactive_vars = { :active => false } conditions_sql = "WHERE ( active = :active )\n" # If asked to search for something, build extra conditions to do so. range_sql, range_start, range_end = appctrl_search_range_sql( User ) unless ( range_sql.nil? ) search = "%#{ params[ :search ] }%" # SQL wildcards either side of the search string conditions_sql << "AND #{ range_sql } ( name ILIKE :search OR email ILIKE :search OR identity_url ILIKE :search )\n" vars = { :search => search, :range_start => range_start, :range_end => range_end } active_vars.merge!( vars ) inactive_vars.merge!( vars ) end # Sort order is already partially compiled in 'options' from the earlier # call to 'appctrl_index_assist'. order_sql = "ORDER BY #{ options[ :order ] }, name ASC, code ASC" options.delete( :order ) # Compile the main SQL statement. finder_sql = "SELECT * FROM users\n" << "#{ conditions_sql }\n" << "#{ order_sql }" # Now paginate using this SQL. The only difference between the active and # inactive cases is the value of the variables passed to Active Record for # substitution into the final SQL query going to the database. @active_users = User.paginate_by_sql( [ finder_sql, active_vars ], options ) @inactive_users = User.paginate_by_sql( [ finder_sql, inactive_vars ], options ) end
Never allow direct creation attempts. User creation is done via session management. The only exception is for administrators, who may (carefully!) choose to create user accounts up-front after adding an ID to the permitted list.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 108 def new return appctrl_not_permitted() unless @current_user.admin? @record = @user = end
Show user details.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 98 def show @user = User.find( params[ :id ] ) return appctrl_not_permitted() unless ( @user and ( @current_user.privileged? or @user == @current_user ) ) end
Update a User following submission of an ‘edit’ view form. Restricted users can only edit their own account.
# File app/controllers/users_controller.rb, line 141 def update id = params[ :id ] if ( @current_user.restricted? and != id.to_i ) return appctrl_not_permitted() end @user = User.find( id ) if ( @current_user.admin? and params[ :notify_user ] ) EmailNotifier.admin_update_notification( @user ).deliver() end # New user just set up a previously uninitialised account (no # e-mail yet stored - update_and_save_user will take that from # the params hash) or a normal account edit? if ( @user.nil? or ) if ( User.count == 1 ) message = 'New administrator account created. You can now set up whatever ' << 'initial customers, projects and tasks you need.' else message = 'New account created. Before you can use the service fully, the ' << 'administrator will have to configure some account settings. You ' << 'will be notified by e-mail when this process is complete. Please ' << "direct queries to the administrator at '#{ EMAIL_ADMIN }'." end update_and_save_user( message, 'edit', true ) else update_and_save_user( 'User details updated.', 'edit' ) end end