Hipposoft 2008
Support functions for views related to Task Import objects. See controllers/task_imports_controller.rb for more.
04-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.
Generate a selector menu for collapsing a task tree to a given level. Pass the containing form, the maximum integer level to show and an optional string to add as a prefix to each line of output.
# File app/helpers/task_imports_helper.rb, line 40 def timphelp_collapse_selector( form, max_level, line_prefix = '' ) levels = [] 0.upto( max_level ) do | level | levels[ level ] = [ "Outline level #{ level }", level ] end return apphelp_select( form, :collapse, levels, false ).gsub( /^/, line_prefix ).html_safe() end
Generate a project selector for the project to which imported tasks will be assigned. HTML is output which is suitable for inclusion in a table cell or other similar container. Pass the form object being used for the task import view and optional string to add as a prefix to each line of output.
At least one active project must exist when this method is called, else the output string will be empty.
# File app/helpers/task_imports_helper.rb, line 22 def timphelp_project_selector( form, line_prefix = '' ) unless ( Project.active.count.zero? ) output = apphelp_project_selector( 'import_project_id', 'import[project_id]', @current_user.control_panel.project_id ).gsub( /^/, line_prefix ) else output = '' end return output.html_safe() end