Hipposoft 2008
Support functions for views related to Timesheet objects. See controllers/timesheets_controller.rb for more.
07-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.
Return appropriate list view actions for the given timesheet
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 241 def timesheethelp_actions( timesheet ) if ( @current_user.admin? ) return [ 'edit', 'delete', 'show' ] elsif ( @current_user.manager? or timesheet.user_id == @current_user.id ) return [ 'show' ] if ( timesheet.committed ) return [ 'edit', 'show' ] else return [] end end
Return the timesheet description, or ‘None’ if it is empty.
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 101 def timesheethelp_always_visible_description( timesheet ) if ( timesheet.description.nil? or timesheet.description.empty? ) des = 'None' else des = h( timesheet.description ) end return des.html_safe() end
Output HTML suitable as a label to show whether or not the given timesheet is committed or otherwise. The second parameter lets you override the given timesheet and force the generation of a committed (pass ‘true’) or not committed (pass ‘false’) label.
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 91 def timesheethelp_commit_label( timesheet, committed = nil ) committed = @timesheet.committed if ( committed.nil? ) return ( committed ? '<span class="timesheet_committed">Committed</span>' : '<span class="timesheet_not_committed">Not Committed</span>' ).html_safe() end
List helper - formatted ‘committed at’ date for the given timesheet
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 225 def timesheethelp_committed_at( timesheet ) if ( timesheet.committed ) return apphelp_date( timesheet.committed_at ) else return 'Not committed' end end
List helper - number of hours in total recorded in the given timesheet
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 235 def timesheethelp_hours( timesheet ) return apphelp_string_hours( timesheet.total_sum.to_s, '-', '-' ) end
List helper - owner of the given timesheet
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 213 def timesheethelp_owner( timesheet ) return link_to( timesheet.user.name, user_path( timesheet.user ) ) end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in the form passed in the first parameter (i.e. the ‘f’ in “form for … do |f|” ), based on the task array given in the second parameter, which provides:
A <select> tag with options listing all tasks not already used by this timesheet.
An empty string if the timesheet already has rows for every task presently stored in the system.
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 70 def timesheethelp_task_selection( form, tasks ) if ( tasks.empty? ) return ''.html_safe() else Task.sort_by_augmented_title( tasks ) return apphelp_collection_select( form, 'task_ids', tasks, :id, :augmented_title ) end end
Return an array of tasks suitable for timesheet row addition. Will be empty if all tasks are already included, or no tasks are available for any other reason. Pass the timesheet of interest.
Note that tasks with no project, or tasks with a project with no customer, are excluded from the list.
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 52 def timesheethelp_tasks_for_addition( timesheet ) tasks = @current_user.active_permitted_tasks - timesheet.tasks tasks.reject do | task | task.project_id.nil? || task.project.customer_id.nil? end end
List helper - formatted ‘updated at’ date for the given timesheet
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 219 def timesheethelp_updated_at( timesheet ) return apphelp_date( timesheet.updated_at ) end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in the form passed in the first parameter (i.e. the ‘f’ in “form for … do |f|” ), based on the timesheet given in the second parameter, which provides:
A <select> tag listing available week numbers, with dates, which may be assigned to the timesheet.
An empty string if there are no free weeks - the edit view should never have been shown, but never mind…!
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 27 def timesheethelp_week_selection( form, timesheet ) weeks = timesheet.unused_weeks(); if ( weeks.empty? ) return ''.html_safe() else return form.select( :week_number, weeks.collect do | week | [ "Week #{ week } (#{ Timesheet.date_for( timesheet.year, week, TimesheetRow::FIRST_DAY ) })", week ] end ) end end
Return a year chart for the given year. This is a complete table of months down the left and week numbers with dates of the first week in individual cells along the monthly rows. Months indicate the month of the first day of the week in that year, so in week 1 will often be for the previous year (which is clearly indicated in the table). Cell colours indicate the condition of a timesheet for each week with links to edit the existing timesheets or create new timesheets as necessary.
# File app/helpers/timesheets_helper.rb, line 119 def timesheethelp_year_chart( year ) week_range = 1..( Timesheet.get_last_week_number( year ) ) first_day = TimesheetRow::FIRST_DAY months = Hash.new # Compile a hash keyed by year/month number which points to arrays of # week numbers with start date. The length of each keyed entry indicates # the number of weeks in that month. Key names are sortable by default # sort function behaviour to provide a date-ascending list. week_range.each do | week | start_date = Timesheet.date_for( year, week, first_day, true ) key = "#{ start_date.year }-%02i" % start_date.month data = { :week => week, :start_date => start_date } if ( months[ key ].nil? ) months[ key ] = [ data ] else months[ key ].push( data ) end end # Now run through the collated data to build the chart, working on the # basis of the sorted keys in the hash for each row and a maximum of 5 # weeks in any of those rows. Blank entries are put at the start of a # row to make up 5 columns in case there aren't that many weeks in that # particular month. keys = months.keys.sort row_class = 'even' output = "<table class=\"timesheet_chart\">\n" output << " <tr><th>Month</th><th colspan=\"5\">Week start date and number</th></tr>\n" keys.each do | key | data = months[ key ] row_start = data[ 0 ][ :start_date ] heading = "#{ Date::MONTHNAMES[ row_start.month ] } "<< "#{ row_start.year }" row_class = ( row_class == 'even' ) ? 'odd' : 'even' row_class = row_class + ' last' if ( key == keys.last ) output << " <tr class=\"#{ row_class }\">\n" output << " <td class=\"timesheet_chart_month\">#{ heading }</td>\n" output << " <td> </td>\n" * ( 5 - data.length ) data.each do | week | timesheet = Timesheet.find_by_user_id_and_year_and_week_number( @current_user.id, year, week[ :week ] ) classnm = 'centred' content = "#{ week[ :start_date ].day }" << " #{ Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[ week[ :start_date ].month ] }" << " (#{ week[ :week ] })" if ( timesheet ) if ( timesheet.committed ) classnm = 'centred committed' content = link_to( content.html_safe(), timesheet_path( timesheet ) ) else classnm = 'centred not_committed' content = link_to( content.html_safe(), edit_timesheet_path( timesheet ) ) end else content = button_to( content.html_safe(), { :action => :create, :method => :post, :year => year, :week_number => week[ :week ] } ) end output << " <td class=\"#{ classnm }\">#{ content }</td>\n" end output << " </tr>\n" end return ( output << '</table>' ).html_safe() end