This file is part of a set of automatically built documentation in HTML format. If you are reading it in a text editor, you should instead look at ‘doc/app/index.html’ in your preferred web browser.
If you want to learn more about the TrackRecord internal structure, consider getting an idea of the methods defined in the ApplicationController and ApplicationHelper components first. I recommend then looking at the models, so you become familiar with the application’s underlying data structures.
TrackRecord uses reasonably complex database queries from time to time but does so through Rails as far as possible, so ActiveRecord should take care of it - just choose your preferred adapter gem instead of e.g. “pg” in the Gemfile, run “bundle install” and set up “config/database.yml”.
However, the strong exception is for reports. See the documentation on TrackRecordReport::FREQUENCY for details. This is essential reading if changing databases, as by default on non-PostgreSQL databases, TrackRecord automatically enters a 'database safe mode' for reports and report generation is likely to run very slowly!
Aside from the usual mechanisms offered by Ruby and the Rails framework, TrackRecord supports plug-in report generators. These take a raw report object and render it in some format, perhaps (re)processing the report’s numerical data along the way. The CSV export function is implemented as such a generator.
For more information, please see the TrackRecordReportGenerator module.
Run “rake doc:reapp” to regenerate all files. See also the main application README file at the top level.
A Gruff-based charts controller is included to make pie charts (or if extended, other charts) which you might like. It isn’t used “in anger” at present since the charts aren’t really very useful in practice. See partial “shared/_hours” for an example of how to introduce chart images into your views if you want them.
You will need to uncomment the ‘gruff’ and ‘rmagic’ gems in “Gemfile” then run “bundle install” to make any charts. There may be other dependencies too, the most obvious being ImageMagick. Font “PetitaBold.ttf” is kept in the root of the application for graph text; change this by editing the value of “GRAPH_FONT” in file “config/initializers/general_config.rb”.
With the above steps completed, fetch an example stand-alone image as a test by visiting your site with the following path: