Hipposoft 2008
Support functions for views related to report generation. See controllers/reports_controller.rb for more.
18-Feb-2008 (ADH): Created.
Return appropriate list view actions for the given report
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 407 def reporthelp_actions( report ) actions = [] # All links are generated with the *current* user's ID, because the # security mechanism is based around "can <this> user do the action # to <this other> report", where "<this>" comes from the user ID in # the URL. See SavedReportsBaseController. actions += [ { :title => :delete, :url => delete_user_saved_report_path( :user_id =>, :id => "%s" ) }, { :title => :edit, :url => edit_user_saved_report_path( :user_id =>, :id => "%s" ) } ] if report.can_be_modified_by?( @current_user ) actions += [ { :title => :copy, :url => user_saved_report_copy_path( :user_id =>, :saved_report_id => "%s" ) }, { :title => :show, :url => user_saved_report_path( :user_id =>, :id => "%s" ) } ] if report.is_permitted_for?( @current_user ) return actions end
Report a terse number of hours with an ‘overrun’ span if negative or a ‘no_overrun’ span if >= 0 in two sections separated by a “/” - the idea is to pass actual and potential remaining hours for a task in here.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 360 def reporthelp_decorated_hours( actual, potential ) class_name = actual < 0 ? 'overrun' : 'no_overrun' output = "<strong><span class=\"#{ class_name }\">#{ apphelp_terse_hours( actual ) }</span> / " class_name = potential < 0 ? 'overrun' : 'no_overrun' output << "<span class=\"#{ class_name }\">#{ apphelp_terse_hours( potential ) }</span></strong>" return output.html_safe() end
List helper - formatted end date for the given report
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 397 def reporthelp_end_date( report ) if ( report.range_end_cache.class != Date ) apphelp_view_hint( "date_end_#{ report.range_end_cache }" ) else apphelp_date( report.range_end_cache ) end end
Use the Calendar Date Select plug-in to generate a selector for the end time of a report. Pass the form instance upon which to operate.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 125 def reporthelp_end_time( form ) return form.calendar_date_select( :range_end, { :embedded => false, :year_range => Timesheet.used_range() } ) end
Return an input element and label as part of a form used to export a report. Pass the submodule of TrackRecordReportGenerator for which options are being generated and the array entry from the option data the submodule provides in “invocation_options_for”.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 445 def reporthelp_export_option( submodule, option ) prefix = kind = option.keys.first data = option.values.first case kind when :checkbox id = "#{ prefix }[#{ data[ :id ] }]" output = check_box_tag( id, "1", data[ :checked ] ) output << label_tag( id, data[ :label ] ) when :radio id = data[ :id ] name = "#{ prefix }[#{ data[ :name ] }]" output = radio_button_tag( name, id, data[ :checked ] ) output << label_tag( "#{ name }_#{ id }", data[ :label ] ) else "" end end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in the form passed in the first parameter (i.e. the ‘f’ in “form for … do |f|” ), which provides a selection list allowing the user to choose a report frequency (weekly, monthly etc.).
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 239 def reporthelp_frequency_selection( form ) collection = [] Report.labels.each_index do | index | collection.push( [ Report.labels[ index ], index ] ) end :frequency, collection ) end
Generate a menu for the given form allowing the user to choose a grouping option.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 292 def reporthelp_grouping_selector( form ) return apphelp_select( form, :task_grouping, [ [ 'No special grouping', 'default' ], [ 'Group billable tasks together', 'billable' ], [ 'Group active tasks together', 'active' ], [ 'Group both kinds of tasks together', 'both' ] ], false ) end
Return HTML suitable for an ‘hours’ field which gives a total amount, then a committed and not-committed amount wrapped in SPANs to give the correct committed/uncommitted text styles. If the overall total time is zero, “ ” is returned instead. Pass any object subclassing TrackRecordReport::ReportElementaryCalculator and, optionally, ‘true’ to show “0.0” rather than “ ” in the zero hours total case.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 328 def reporthelp_hours( calculator, show_zero = false ) if ( calculator.try( :has_hours? ) ) output = '' output << apphelp_terse_hours( ) if ( @report.include_totals != false ) output << ' (' if ( @report.include_totals != false and ( @report.include_committed != false or @report.include_not_committed != false ) ) if ( @report.include_committed != false ) output << '<span class="timesheet_committed">' output << apphelp_terse_hours( calculator.committed ) output << '</span>' end output << '/' if ( @report.include_committed != false and @report.include_not_committed != false ) if ( @report.include_not_committed != false ) output << '<span class="timesheet_not_committed">' output << apphelp_terse_hours( calculator.not_committed ) output << '</span>' end output << ')' if ( @report.include_totals != false and ( @report.include_committed != false or @report.include_not_committed != false ) ) return output.html_safe() else return ( show_zero ? '0' : ' ' ).html_safe() end end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in a form which provides a pull-down menu of years for the full permitted time range subdivided into months. Pass the form being constructed and “:range_month_start” or “:range_month_end”.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 140 def reporthelp_month_selection( form, method ) start_or_end = ( method == :range_month_start ) ? :start : :end form.grouped_collection_select( method, get_year_array(), # Use years for groups :months, # A years's "months" method returns its month list :title, # Use the year 'title' for the group labels :id, # A month's "id" method returns the value for an option tag start_or_end, # A month's "start" or "end" method is used for the option contents { :include_blank => '-' } ) end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in a form which provides options such as “this month” or “one week ago” in a selection list. Pass the form being constructed and “:range_one_month” or “:range_one_week”.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 182 def reporthelp_one_selection( form, method ) now = if ( method == :range_one_week ) strings = [ apphelp_view_hint( :last_week, SavedReportsController ), apphelp_view_hint( :this_week, SavedReportsController ), apphelp_view_hint( :two_weeks_ago, SavedReportsController ), ] dates = [ now - 1.week, now, now - 2.weeks ] objects = do | date | date.year, date.cweek ) end else strings = [ apphelp_view_hint( :last_month, SavedReportsController ), apphelp_view_hint( :this_month, SavedReportsController ), apphelp_view_hint( :two_months_ago, SavedReportsController ), ] dates = [ now - 1.month, now, now - 2.months ] objects = do | date | date.year, date.month ) end end keys = [ "last", "this", "two" ] array = do | string, index | o = o.value = keys[ index ] o.text = string % objects[ index ].all # The "all" method on a ReportWeek or ReportMonth gives its name/date in a suitable format o end form.collection_select( method, array, :value, :text, { :include_blank => '-' } ) end
List helper - owner of the given report
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 375 def reporthelp_owner( report ) return link_to(, user_path( report.user ) ) end
Generate a sort field selector menu for the given form which will use the given method to set the chosen option in the report - one of “:customer_sort_field”, “:project_sort_field” or “:task_sort_field”.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 276 def reporthelp_sorting_selector( form, method ) return apphelp_select( form, method, [ [ 'Sort by name', 'title' ], [ 'Sort by code', 'code' ], [ 'Sort by addition date', 'created_at' ] ], false ) end
List helper - formatted start date for the given report
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 387 def reporthelp_start_date( report ) if ( report.range_start_cache.class != Date ) apphelp_view_hint( "date_start_#{ report.range_start_cache }" ) else apphelp_date( report.range_start_cache ) end end
Use the Calendar Date Select plug-in to generate a selector for the start time of a report. Pass the form instance upon which to operate.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 112 def reporthelp_start_time( form ) return form.calendar_date_select( :range_start, { :embedded => false, :year_range => Timesheet.used_range() } ) end
List helper - formatted ‘updated at’ date for the given report
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 381 def reporthelp_updated_at( report ) return apphelp_date( report.updated_at ) end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in the form passed in the first parameter (i.e. the ‘f’ in “form for … do |f|” ), based on the user array given in the second parameter, which provides:
A <select> tag with options listing all users in the array in the order in which they are stored in that array.
An empty string if the input users array is itself empty.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 258 def reporthelp_user_selection( form, users ) if ( users.empty? ) return '' else return apphelp_collection_select( form, 'reportable_user_ids', users, :id, :name ) end end
Return HTML suitable for inclusion in a form which provides a pull-down menu of years for the full permitted time range subdivided into weeks. Pass the form being constructed and “:range_week_start” or “:range_week_end”.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 161 def reporthelp_week_selection( form, method ) start_or_end = ( method == :range_week_start ) ? :start : :end form.grouped_collection_select( method, get_year_array(), # Use years for groups :weeks, # A years's "weeks" method returns its week list :title, # Use the year 'title' for the group labels :id, # A week's "id" method returns the value for an option tag start_or_end, # A week's "start" or "end" method is used for the option contents { :include_blank => '-' } ) end
Pass a hash. The “:item” entry is read. If a User, a string of “by <name>” is returned. Otherwise, a string of “on ‘<title>’” is returned. Useful for indicating hours are done by a user, or were worked on some task.
# File app/helpers/reports_helper.rb, line 311 def reporthelp_work_breakdown_item_name( item ) item = item[ :item ] if ( item.class == User ) return "by #{ h( ) }".html_safe() else return "on '#{ h( item.augmented_title ) }'".html_safe() end end