Hipposoft 2007
Describe the behaviour of WorkPacket objects. See below for more details.
24-Dec-2007 (ADH): Created.
Return the earliest (first by date) work packet, either across all tasks (pass nothing) or for the given tasks specified as an array of task IDs. The work packet may be in either a not committed or committed timesheet.
# File app/models/work_packet.rb, line 53 def self.find_earliest_by_tasks( task_ids = [] ) return WorkPacket.find_first_by_tasks_and_order( task_ids, 'date ASC' ) end
Support ::find_earliest_by_tasks and find_latest_by_tasks. Pass an array of task IDs and a sort order (SQL fragment, e.g. “date ASC”).
# File app/models/work_packet.rb, line 68 def self.find_first_by_tasks_and_order( task_ids, order ) if ( ) return WorkPacket.significant.order( order ).first else joins = :timesheet_row conditions = { :timesheet_rows => { :task_id => task_ids } } return WorkPacket.significant.joins( joins ).where( conditions ).order( order ).first end end
Return the latest (last by date) work packet, either across all tasks (pass nothing) or for the given tasks specified as an array of task IDs. The work packet may be in either a not committed or committed timesheet.
# File app/models/work_packet.rb, line 61 def self.find_latest_by_tasks( task_ids = [] ) return WorkPacket.find_first_by_tasks_and_order( task_ids, 'date DESC' ) end