Hipposoft 2007
Describe the behaviour of Task objects. See below for more details.
24-Dec-2007 (ADH): Created.
Given an ID, generate a task code for an XML-imported task based on the current date.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 130 def self.generate_xml_code( id ) today = Date.current "XML-%04d%02d%02d-#{ id }" % [ today.year, today.month, today.day ] end
Some default properties are dynamic, so assign these here rather than as defaults in a migration.
Optional hash used for instance initialisation in the traditional way for an ActiveRecord subclass. Optional User object. A default project is taken from that user's control panel data, if available.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 96 def initialize( params = nil, user = nil ) super( params ) if ( params.nil? ) self.duration = 0 self.active = true self.code = "TID%05d" % Task.count if ( user and user.control_panel ) cp = user.control_panel self.project = cp.project if ( cp.project and cp.project.active ) end end end
Class method - sort an array of tasks by the augmented title. Since this isn’t done by the database, it’s slow.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 153 def self.sort_by_augmented_title( list ) list.sort! { | x, y | x.augmented_title <=> y.augmented_title } end
Return the ‘augmented’ task title; that is, the task name, with the project and customer names appended if available.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 138 def augmented_title if ( self.project ) if ( self.project.customer ) return "#{ self.project.customer.title } - #{ self.project.title }: #{ self.title }" end return "#{ self.project.title }: #{ self.title }" end return "#{ self.title }" end
Is the given user permitted to update this task? Restricted users cannot modify tasks. Administrators always can. Managers only can if the task is still active.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 121 def can_be_modified_by?( user ) return false if ( user.restricted? ) return true if ( user.admin? ) return self.active end
Number of committed hours worked on this task.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 222 def committed_worked joins = { :timesheet_row => :timesheet } conditions = { :timesheets => { :committed => true } } return self.work_packets.joins( joins ).where( conditions ).sum( :worked_hours ) end
Is the given user permitted to do anything with this task?
# File app/models/task.rb, line 113 def is_permitted_for?( user ) return ( user.privileged? or user.tasks.include?( self ) ) end
Number of not committed hours worked on this task.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 231 def not_committed_worked joins = { :timesheet_row => :timesheet } conditions = { :timesheets => { :committed => false } } return self.work_packets.joins( joins ).where( conditions ).sum( :worked_hours ) end
Return an array with two elements - the first is the restricted associated users, the second the unrestricted associated users. Arrays will be empty if there are no associated users. Does this the slow way, asking each user if it is restricted, rather than making assumptions about how to quickly find restricted types.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 163 def split_user_types restricted = [] unrestricted = [] self.users.all.each do | user | if ( user.restricted? ) restricted.push( user ) else unrestricted.push( user ) end end return [ restricted, unrestricted ] end
Number of hours worked on the task between the given start and end Dates as a Range. Optionally pass a User object; work packets will only be counted if they’re in a timesheet belonging to that user.
Returns an object with fields ‘committed’ and ‘not_committed’, giving sums for those types of hours.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 246 def sum_hours_over_range( date_range, user = nil ) joins = { :timesheet_row => { :timesheet => :user } } committed = { :timesheets => { :committed => true } } not_committed = { :timesheets => { :committed => false } } conditions = { :date => date_range } conditions[ :users ] = { :id => user.id } unless user.nil? return { :committed => self.work_packets.joins( joins ).where( committed ).where( conditions ).sum( :worked_hours ), :not_committed => self.work_packets.joins( joins ).where( not_committed ).where( conditions ).sum( :worked_hours ) } end
Number of hours worked on this task, committed or otherwise
# File app/models/task.rb, line 216 def total_worked return self.work_packets.sum( :worked_hours ) end
Update an object with the given attributes. This is done by a special model method because changes of the ‘active’ flag have side effects for other associated objects. THE CALLER *MUST* USE A TRANSACTION around a call to this method. There is no need to call here unless the ‘active’ flag state is changing.
# File app/models/task.rb, line 184 def update_with_side_effects!( attrs ) active = self.active self.update_attributes!( attrs ) # If the active flag has changed and it *was* 'true', then the task # has just been made inactive. if ( attrs[ :active ] != active and active == true ) # When tasks are made inactive, remove them from each of the Task lists # in User and ControlPanel objects. There are checks for this elsewhere, # but they're only to try and catch cases where this code has gone wrong. # # Although only restricted users make use of this list, other user types # may have a list set up either accidentally or because the user's type # is due to be changed to one with lower permissions. As a result, we # must update every user. User.all.each do | user | user.remove_inactive_tasks() user.save! end ControlPanel.all.each do | cp | cp.remove_inactive_tasks() cp.save! end end end