Hipposoft 2008
Support functions for views related to audit data. See controllers/audits_controller.rb for more.
20-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.
List view helper - change details
# File app/helpers/audits_helper.rb, line 63 def audithelp_changes( record ) type = record.auditable_type changes = record.audited_changes if ( changes.blank? ) if ( type == 'Timesheet' ) return 'Added or removed rows, or edited hours within rows' else return 'No other details available' end end output = '<table class="list audit_changes">' output << '<tr><th class="audit_changes_field">Field</th><th class="audit_changes_from">From</th><th class="audit_changes_to">To</th></tr>' changes.keys.each do | key | cdata = changes[ key ] if ( cdata.instance_of?( Array ) ) cfrom = to_descriptive_s( cdata[ 0 ] ) cto = to_descriptive_s( cdata[ 1 ] ) else cfrom = '–'.html_safe() cto = cdata.to_s() end # Try to get clever :-) and see if we have "[foo_]id" in a string. If # so, extract "foo" and see if the item can be found. array = key.split( '_' ) if ( array.size > 1 ) check = array.pop() if ( check == 'id' ) type = array[ 0 ].capitalize if ( type == 'User' or type == 'Project' or type == 'Customer' or type == 'Task' ) field = ( type == 'User' ) ? 'name' : 'title' begin const = type.constantize if ( cfrom.to_i.to_s == cfrom ) item = const.find_by_id( cfrom ) cfrom = "#{ cfrom } (#{ item[ field ] })" unless ( item.nil? ) end if ( cto.to_i.to_s == cto ) item = const.find_by_id( cto ) cto = "#{ cto } (#{ item[ field ] })" unless ( item.nil? ) end rescue # Do nothing - just ignore errors end end end end output << "<tr><td>#{ h( key ) }</td><td>#{ h( cfrom ) }</td><td>#{ h( cto ) }</td></tr>" end return ( output << '</table>' ).html_safe end
List view helper - display the type of change. Combines the action with the auditable type (the name of the model object on which the operation was performed), then converts the auditable type into an actual model class (via “constantize”). Uses the auditable ID to extract information specific to the object type and adds to the column output to include that data where possible. All exceptions caught to cope with deleted items etc. not being found.
# File app/helpers/audits_helper.rb, line 21 def audithelp_type_of_change( record ) type = begin record.auditable_type.constantize.model_name.human rescue record.auditable_type.downcase end type = 'permitted OpenID' if type == 'permittedopenid' output = "#{ record.action.capitalize() } #{ h( type ) }" begin objtype = record.auditable_type.constantize() objinst = objtype.find_by_id( record.auditable_id ) case ( record.auditable_type ) when 'User' return append_link( output, "'#{ h( ) }'", record ) when 'Task', 'Project', 'Customer' return append_link( output, "'#{ h( objinst.title ) }'", record ) when 'Timesheet' return append_link( output << ' for week', "#{ h( objinst.week_number ) }, #{ h( objinst.year ) }", record ) else return output end rescue return output end end
List view helper - user name of person responsible for change
# File app/helpers/audits_helper.rb, line 57 def audithelp_user_name( record ) return to_descriptive_s( record.user ? : nil ) end