Hipposoft 2008
Encapsulate data required for a task import session.
16-May-2008 (ADH): Created. 28-Nov-2009 (ADH): Made more model-like with lots of extra processing code to rationalise unusual data types used in property assignments.
Obtain a task list from the given parsed XML data (a REXML document). Returns a hash with key :tasks, containing an array of task objects with titles, codes and durations set up; :#parent_uids, containing an array of arrays of UIDs of the parent tasks (if any) for each entry in the :tasks array; and :#parent_titles, the same thing but holding parent strings for display purposes.
All strings are HTML-safe because they come from XML, so must use character entities for sensitive characters just as in HTML. Views should not further escape them with ERB::Util.h().
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 188 def self.get_tasks_from_xml( doc ) # Extract details of every task into a flat array tasks = [] doc.each_element( 'Project/Tasks/Task' ) do | task | begin tasks << OpenStruct.new( { :level => task.get_elements( 'OutlineLevel' )[ 0 ].text.to_i, :tid => task.get_elements( 'ID' )[ 0 ].text, :uid => task.get_elements( 'UID' )[ 0 ].text, :title => task.get_elements( 'Name' )[ 0 ].text } ) rescue # Ignore errors; they tend to indicate malformed tasks, or at least, # XML file task entries that we do not understand. end end # Step through the sorted tasks. Each time we find one where the # *next* task has an outline level greater than the current task, # then the current task MUST be a summary. Record its name and # blank out the task from the array. Otherwise, use whatever # summary name was most recently found (if any) as a name prefix. # # At each step, we keep a note of the titles and UIDs in the branch # leading up to a given task and push this "history" into a parent # title and UID array so that we can implement the 'collapse to level' # function later on, without having to refer back to the original # file (which is temporary and will have been deleted by then). prefix = '' branch_uids = [] branch_titles = [] parent_uids = [] parent_titles = [] filled_to = 0 tasks.each_index do | index | task = tasks[ index ] next_task = tasks[ index + 1 ] branch_uids[ task.level ] = task.uid branch_titles[ task.level ] = task.title # Some XML files only contain tasks at strange levels with gaps - # particularly with nothing at level 0. Make sure we always fill these # in, else the parent title and collapse/filtering code will generate # strange task titles due to nil parent title entries. if ( task.level > filled_to ) filled_to = task.level branch_titles.each_index do | level | title = branch_titles[ level ] if ( title.blank? ) branch_titles[ level ] = "Untitled task at level #{ level }" end end end if ( next_task and next_task.level > task.level ) prefix = task.title tasks[ index ] = nil else top_level = task.level - 1 top_level = 0 if ( top_level < 0 ) parent_uids[ index ] = branch_uids[ 0..top_level ] parent_titles[ index ] = branch_titles[ 0..top_level ] task.title = "#{ branch_titles[ top_level ] }: #{ task.title }" unless ( task.level.zero? ) end end # Remove any 'nil' items we ended up with above. tasks.compact! parent_uids.compact! parent_titles.compact! # Now create a secondary array, where the UID of any given task is # the array index at which it can be found. This is just to make # looking up tasks by UID really easy, rather than faffing around # with "tasks.find { | task | task.uid = <whatever> }". # # By keeping track of the index in the original array too, we can # make sure the ordering (which has relevance in terms of input file # structure and the parent UID and title arrays) is maintained later. uid_tasks = {} # Using a hash means UIDs don't have to be numeric. tasks.each_index do | index | task = tasks[ index ] uid_tasks[ task.uid ] = { :task => task, :index => index } end # OK, now it's time to parse the assignments into some meaningful # array. These will become our timesheet system tasks. Assignments # which relate to empty elements in "uid_tasks" or which have zero # work are associated with tasks which are either summaries or # milestones. Ignore both types. real_tasks = [] real_parent_uids = [] real_parent_titles = [] doc.each_element( 'Project/Assignments/Assignment' ) do | assignment | task_uid = assignment.get_elements( 'TaskUID' )[ 0 ].text data = uid_tasks[ task_uid ] next if ( data.nil? ) task = data[ :task ] index = data[ :index ] work = assignment.get_elements( 'Work' )[ 0 ].text # Parse the "Work" string: "PT<num>H<num>M<num>S", but with some # leniency to allow any data before or after the H/M/S stuff. strs = work.scan(/.*?(\d+)H(\d+)M(\d+)S.*?/).flatten hours, mins, secs = strs.map { | str | str.to_i } next if ( hours == 0 and mins == 0 and secs == 0 ) # Woohoo, real task! Store it in 'real_tasks' at the same array index # as the item used to hold in the raw 'tasks' array. # # The divide by 3600.0 is VITAL to perform a floating point calculation # rather than rounding everything with integer maths. task.code = Task.generate_xml_code( task.tid ) task.duration = ( ( ( hours * 3600 ) + ( mins * 60 ) + secs ) / 3600.0 ).precision( 2 ) real_tasks[ index ] = task real_parent_uids[ index ] = parent_uids[ index ] real_parent_titles[ index ] = parent_titles[ index ] end # Remove "nil" entries which exist beacuse of any tasks in the original # 'tasks' array which were discarded for some reason (e.g. no duration). real_tasks.compact! real_parent_uids.compact! real_parent_titles.compact! return { :tasks => real_tasks, :parent_uids => real_parent_uids, :parent_titles => real_parent_titles } end
Create a new Import object, optionally from form submission parameters.
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 26 def initialize( params = nil ) @project_id = nil @tasks = [] @parent_uids = nil @parent_titles = nil @filtered_tasks = [] @filtered_parent_uids = nil @filtered_parent_titles = nil @collapse = nil @max_level = nil unless ( params.nil? ) # Adapted from ActiveRecord::Base "attributes=", Rails 2.1.0 # on 29-Jun-2008. attributes = params.dup attributes.stringify_keys! attributes.each do | key, value | if ( key.include?( '(' ) ) raise( "Multi-parameter attributes are not supported." ) else send( key + "=", value ) end end end end
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 62 def collapse=( val ) @collapse = val.to_i end
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 87 def filtered_parent_titles=( titles ) @filtered_parent_titles = to_nested_array( titles ) end
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 84 def filtered_parent_uids=( uids ) @filtered_parent_uids = to_nested_array( uids ) end
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 81 def filtered_tasks=( tasks ) @filtered_tasks = to_task_array( tasks ) end
Take this object’s (fully set up) task array along with the associated parent title and UID arrays; then collapse these using this object’s ‘collapse’ value and update the internal filtered task, parent title and parent UID arrays (“#filtered_tasks”, “#filtered_parent_uids” and “#filtered_parent_titles”).
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 108 def generate_filtered_task_list collapse_level = self.collapse.to_i collapsed_tasks = {} collapsed_uid = nil filtered_tasks = [] filtered_parent_uids = [] filtered_parent_titles = [] self.tasks.each_index do | index | task = self.tasks[ index ] collapsed_uid = self.parent_uids[ index ][ 0..collapse_level ].join( ',' ) if ( task.level <= collapse_level ) # If this real task is already at the collapsing level, then just copy # it into the collapsed task hash. collapsed_task = task.dup collapsed_tasks[ task.uid ] = collapsed_task # We rely on Ruby storing a reference to the same task structure here, # else later changes to the 'duration' field via the "collapsed_tasks" # hash won't be reflected in the "filtered_tasks" array. filtered_tasks << collapsed_task filtered_parent_uids << self.parent_uids[ index ].dup filtered_parent_titles << self.parent_titles[ index ].dup elsif ( collapsed_tasks.has_key?( collapsed_uid ) ) # Have we generated this collapsed task UID before? Yes - just add # the current child task's duration to it. collapsed_tasks[ collapsed_uid ].duration += task.duration else # Generate a new collapsed task. Use the last two entries in the # titles array (noting Ruby array reference syntax meaning we have to # be careful of negative indices) for the new collapsed task's title. previous_level = collapse_level - 1 previous_level = 0 if ( previous_level < 0 ) collapsed_task = OpenStruct.new( { :level => collapse_level, :uid => collapsed_uid, # NB: See above - this is a string of one or more integers joined with a comma :tid => task.tid, :title => self.parent_titles[ index ][ previous_level..collapse_level ].join( ': ' ), :code => Task.generate_xml_code( task.tid ), :duration => task.duration } ) collapsed_tasks[ collapsed_uid ] = collapsed_task filtered_tasks << collapsed_task filtered_parent_uids << self.parent_uids[ index ][ 0..previous_level ] filtered_parent_titles << self.parent_titles[ index ][ 0..previous_level ] end end self.filtered_tasks = filtered_tasks self.filtered_parent_uids = filtered_parent_uids self.filtered_parent_titles = filtered_parent_titles end
Read the maximum level stored in the ‘tasks’ array. Generated on the fly and cached until ‘tasks’ gets reset.
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 94 def max_level if ( @max_level.nil? ) @max_level = @tasks.collect { | t | t.level }.max end return @max_level end
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 78 def parent_titles=( titles ) @parent_titles = to_nested_array( titles ) end
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 75 def parent_uids=( uids ) @parent_uids = to_nested_array( uids ) end
Coerce strings to integers for certain properties.
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 59 def project_id=( val ) @project_id = val.to_i end
Due to the way the forms are constructed, arrays will usually be encoded as a HashWithIndifferentAccess set up with keys containing a string version of the index at which we should store the entry and the second element with the hash describing the object to store there.
# File app/models/task_import.rb, line 71 def tasks=( tasks ) @max_level = nil @tasks = to_task_array( tasks ) end