Hipposoft 2011
Manage saved collections of parameters used to generate reports.
19-Oct-2011 (ADH): Created.
Generate a report based on a ‘new report’ form submission.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 144 def create appctrl_patch_params_from_js( :saved_report, :active_task_ids ) appctrl_patch_params_from_js( :saved_report, :inactive_task_ids ) saved_report = params[ :saved_report ] ) saved_report.user = @user if ( ) redirect_to( report_path( saved_report ) ) else render( :action => :new ) end end
Confirm deletion of a saved report.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 195 def delete # All work done via before_filters. end
Actually delete a saved report.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 201 def destroy appctrl_destroy( SavedReport, user_saved_reports_path( @user ) ) end
Edit an existing report.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 160 def edit @user_array = @current_user.restricted? ? [ @current_user ] : end
List reports.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 41 def index # Set up the column data; see the index helper functions in # application_helper.rb for details. @columns = [ { :header_text => 'Name', :value_method => 'title', :value_in_place => true, :sort_by => 'title' }, { :header_text => 'Shared', :value_method => 'shared', :value_in_place => true, :sort_by => 'shared' }, { :header_text => 'Last edited', :value_helper => 'reporthelp_updated_at', :sort_by => 'updated_at' }, { :header_text => 'Start date', :value_helper => 'reporthelp_start_date', :sort_by => 'range_start_cache' }, { :header_text => 'End date', :value_helper => 'reporthelp_end_date', :sort_by => 'range_end_cache' }, { :header_text => 'Owner', :value_helper => 'reporthelp_owner', :sort_by => '' } ] options = appctrl_index_assist( SavedReport ) vars = { :user_id => } user_sql = "WHERE ( = :user_id )\n" other_sql = "WHERE ( != :user_id )\n" if ( @current_user.restricted? ) other_sql << "AND ( shared = :shared_flag )\n" vars[ :shared_flag ] = true end range_sql, range_start, range_end = appctrl_search_range_sql( SavedReport ) unless ( range_sql.nil? ) search_num = params[ :search ].to_i search_str = "%#{ params[ :search ] }%" # SQL wildcards either side of the search string conditions_sql = "AND #{ range_sql } ( ILIKE :search_str OR ILIKE :search_str )" user_sql << conditions_sql other_sql << conditions_sql vars.merge!( { :search_str => search_str, :search_num => search_num, :range_start => range_start, :range_end => range_end } ) end # Sort order is already partially compiled in 'options' from the earlier # call to 'appctrl_index_assist'. order_sql = "ORDER BY #{ options[ :order ] }" options.delete( :order ) # Compile the main SQL statement. Select all columns of the project, fetching # customers where the project's customer ID matches those customer IDs, with # only projects containing tasks in the user's permitted task list (if any) # are included, returned in the required order. # # Due to restrictions in the way that DISTINCT works, I just cannot figure out # ANY way in SQL to only return unique projects while still matching the task # permitted ID requirement for restricted users. So, fetch duplicates, then # strip them out in Ruby afterwards (ouch). basic_sql = "SELECT saved_reports.* FROM saved_reports\n" << "INNER JOIN users ON ( saved_reports.user_id = )\n" user_sql = "#{ basic_sql }\n#{ user_sql }\n#{ order_sql }" other_sql = "#{ basic_sql }\n#{ other_sql }\n#{ order_sql }" # Now paginate using this SQL query. @user_reports = SavedReport.paginate_by_sql( [ user_sql, vars ], options ); @other_reports = SavedReport.paginate_by_sql( [ other_sql, vars ], options ); end
Prepare for the ‘new report’ view.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 110 def new # Implement copying; this could've been done in a new controller # but no matter how you look at it, "new-with-an-ID" does not map # cleanly to Rails REST and doing such an action in a separate # controller just leads to code duplication and difficulties with # the concept of "current controller" etc. in the view (we end up # wanting to render the SavedReportsController edit view anyway). @record = nil if ( params.has_key?( :saved_report_id ) ) found_report = SavedReport.find_by_id( params[ :saved_report_id ] ) # No exception raised if record is not found unless ( found_report.nil? ) @record = found_report.dup @record.active_tasks = found_report.active_tasks @record.inactive_tasks = found_report.inactive_tasks @record.reportable_users = found_report.reportable_users @record.title << " (copy)" end end if ( @record.nil? ) @record = @record.user = @user end @user_array = @current_user.restricted? ? [ @current_user ] : end
For showing reports, just redirect to the dedicated controller for that.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 183 def show saved_report = SavedReport.find_by_id( params[ :id ] ) if ( saved_report.is_permitted_for?( @current_user ) ) redirect_to( report_path( saved_report ) ) else appctrl_not_permitted() end end
Commit changes to an existing report. Note that some security actions, e.g. making sure the list of allowed reportable users is valid or the list of tasks is only that the current user can see, are enforced down in the report generator. If someone hacks a view, it won’t help them.
# File app/controllers/saved_reports_controller.rb, line 169 def update appctrl_patch_params_from_js( :saved_report, :active_task_ids ) appctrl_patch_params_from_js( :saved_report, :inactive_task_ids ) if ( @record.update_attributes( params[ :saved_report ] ) ) flash[ :notice ] = "Report details updated." redirect_to( report_path( @record ) ) else render( :action => :edit ) end end