module TasksHelper




Hipposoft 2008


Support functions for views related to Task objects. See controllers/tasks_controller.rb for more.

04-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.

Public Instance Methods

taskhelp_actions( task ) click to toggle source

Return list actions appropriate for the given task.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 74
def taskhelp_actions( task )
  if ( @current_user.admin? or ( and @current_user.manager? ) )
    actions = [ 'edit' ]
    actions.push( 'delete' ) if ( @current_user.admin? )
    actions = []

  actions.push( 'show' )
  return actions
taskhelp_active_class( task_or_boolean ) click to toggle source

As #taskhelp_billable_class, but for active/inactive tasks.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 110
def taskhelp_active_class( task_or_boolean )
  task_or_boolean = if ( task_or_boolean.is_a?( Task ) )
  return ( task_or_boolean ? "task_active" : "task_inactive" )
taskhelp_active_help() click to toggle source

As #taskhelp_billable_help, but for active/inactive tasks.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 117
def taskhelp_active_help
  return (
    "Names of active or inactive tasks are shown as follows: " <<
    "'<span class=\"#{ taskhelp_active_class( true  ) }\">active</span>', " <<
    "'<span class=\"#{ taskhelp_active_class( false ) }\">inactive</span>'."
taskhelp_billable_class( task_or_boolean ) click to toggle source

Return an HTML class name appropriate for a billable or not billable task according to the given task or, if given a boolean, the value of that boolean where ‘true’ means ‘billable’

Note that an additional class name may be included for active/inactive tasks (but not when a boolean is given, obviously!).

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 93
def taskhelp_billable_class( task_or_boolean )
  task_or_boolean = task_or_boolean.billable if ( task_or_boolean.is_a?( Task ) )
  return ( task_or_boolean ? "task_billable" : "task_not_billable" )
taskhelp_billable_help() click to toggle source

Return an HTML fragment giving help on billable versus non-billable tasks.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 100
def taskhelp_billable_help
  return (
    "Names of billable or non-billable tasks are shown as follows: " <<
    "'<span class=\"#{ taskhelp_billable_class( true  ) }\">billable</span>', " <<
    "'<span class=\"#{ taskhelp_billable_class( false ) }\">not billable</span>'."
taskhelp_customer( task ) click to toggle source

Return a name of a given task’s associated customer, for use in list views.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 61
def taskhelp_customer( task )
  return '-'.html_safe() if ( task.project.nil? or task.project.customer.nil? )
  return apphelp_augmented_link( task.project.customer )
taskhelp_degrading_selector( reason, options ) click to toggle source

Create a degrading task selector using either a YUI tree or a SELECT list, but not both. The latter has high database load. The former has greater client requirements.

The use cases for task selectors in Track Record are so varied that very specific cases are handled with special-case code and HTML output may include extra text to help the user for certain edge conditions, such as a lack of any available tasks (in a timesheet editor, this may be because all tasks are already added to the timesheet; for a user’s choice of the default list of tasks to show in timesheets, this may be because the user has no permission to view any tasks; when configuring the tasks which a restricted user is able to see, this may be because no active tasks exist).

As a result, pass the reason for calling in the first parameter and an options list in the second.

Supported reasons are symbols and listsed in the ‘case’ statement in the code below. Each is preceeded by comprehensive comments describing the mandatory and (if any) optional key/value pairs which should go into the options hash. Please consult these comments for more information.

The following global options are also supported (none are mandatory):

Key           Value
:line_prefix  A string to insert at the start of each line of output
              - usually spaces, used if worried about the indentation
              of the overall view HTML.
# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 351
def taskhelp_degrading_selector( reason, options )
  output = ''
  form   = options.delete( :form )
  user   = options.delete( :user )

  case reason

    # Generate a selector used to add tasks to a given timesheet. Includes a
    # task selector and "add" button which submits to the given form with
    # name "add_row". The timesheet and form are specified in the options:
    #   Key         Value
    #   =====================================================================
    #   :form       Prevailing outer form, e.g. the value of "f" in a view
    #               which has enclosed the call in "form_for :foo do | f |".
    #               Leads to "task_ids" being invoked on the model associated
    #               with the form to determine which items, if any, must be
    #               initially selected for lists in the non-JS page version.
    #   :timesheet  Instance of the timesheet being edited - used to find out
    #               which tasks are already included in the timesheet and
    #               thus which, if any, should be offered in the selector.
    # NOTE: An empty string is returned if all tasks are already included in
    # the timesheet.
    when :timesheet_editor
      tasks = timesheethelp_tasks_for_addition( options[ :timesheet ] )

      unless ( tasks.empty? )

        if ( session[ :javascript ].nil? )
          Task.sort_by_augmented_title( tasks )
          output << apphelp_collection_select( form, :task_ids, tasks, :id, :augmented_title )
          output << '<br />'
          output << form.submit( 'Add', { :name => 'add_row' } )
          output << taskhelp_tree_selector(
              :included_tasks => tasks,
              :change_text    => 'Choose tasks...',
              :suffix_html    => " then #{ form.submit( 'add them', { :name => 'add_row' } ) }\n"


    # Generate a selector used to add tasks to a given report. The report and
    # form are specified in the following options:
    #   Key        Value
    #   =====================================================================
    #   :form      Prevailing outer form, e.g. the value of "f" in a view
    #              which has enclosed the call in "form_for :foo do | f |".
    #              Leads to "task_ids" being invoked on the model associated
    #              with the form to determine which items, if any, must be
    #              initially selected for lists in the non-JS page version.
    #   :report    Instance of the report being created - used to find out
    #              which tasks are already included in the report (for form
    #              resubmissions, e.g. from validation failure).
    #   :inactive  If 'true', the selector is generated for inactive tasks
    #              only. If omitted or 'false', only active tasks are shown.
    #   :name      A name to use instead of "task_ids" in the form submission
    #              - optional, required if you want multiple selectors in the
    #              same form.
    # NOTE: All edge case conditions (no tasks, etc.) are handled internally
    # with relevant messages included in the HTML output for individual
    # selectors, but the caller ought to check that at least *some* tasks can
    # be chosen before presenting the user with a report generator form.
    when :report_generator
      report =   options[ :report   ]
      active = ( options[ :inactive ] != true )
      field  = active ? :active_task_ids : :inactive_task_ids

      if ( session[ :javascript ].nil? )
        tasks = active ? : Task.inactive()
        count = tasks.length
        tasks = active ? report.active_tasks : report.inactive_tasks
        count = @current_user.all_permitted_tasks.count

      if ( )

        hint = active ? :active : :inactive
        output << "No #{ hint } tasks are available."


        if ( session[ :javascript ].nil? )
          Task.sort_by_augmented_title( tasks )
          output << apphelp_collection_select(
          output << taskhelp_tree_selector(
              :selected_tasks => tasks,
              :params_name    => field,
              :inactive       => ! active

    # Generate a selector which controls the default task list shown in
    # new timesheets.
    #   Key    Value
    #   =====================================================================
    #   :user  Instance of User model for the user for whom default timesheet
    #          options are being changed.
    #   :form  Prevailing outer form, e.g. the value of "f" in a view
    #          which has enclosed the call in "form_for :foo do | f |".
    #          Typically this is used by a User configuration view, though,
    #          where a nested set of fields are being built via something
    #          like "fields_for :control_panel do | cp |". In such a case,
    #          use "cp" for the ":form" option's value.
    #          This leads to "task_ids" being invoked on the model associated
    #          with the form to determine which items in the selection list,
    #          if any, must be initially selected in the non-JS page version.
    # NOTE: All edge case conditions (no tasks, etc.) are handled internally
    # with relevant messages included in the HTML output.
    when :user_default_task_list

      if ( )

        # Warn that the user has no permission to see any tasks at all.

        output << "This account does not have permission to view\n"
        output << "any active tasks.\n"
        output << "\n\n"
        output << "<p>\n"

        # If the currently logged in user is unrestricted, tell them how to
        # rectify the above problem. Otherwise, tell them to talk to their
        # system administrator.

        if ( @current_user.restricted? )
          output << "  Please contact your system administrator for help.\n"
          output << "  To enable this section, please assign tasks to\n"
          output << "  the user account with the security settings above\n"
          output << "  and save your changes. Then edit the user account\n"
          output << "  again to see the new permitted task list.\n"

        output << "</p>"


        if ( session[ :javascript ].nil? )
          tasks = user.active_permitted_tasks
          Task.sort_by_augmented_title( tasks )
          output << apphelp_collection_select( form, :task_ids, tasks, :id, :augmented_title )
          output << taskhelp_tree_selector(
              :restricted_by  => ( user.restricted? ) ? user : nil,
              :selected_tasks => user.control_panel.tasks


    # Generate a selector which controls the list of tasks the user is
    # permitted to see. Mandatory options:
    #   Key    Value
    #   =====================================================================
    #   :user  Instance of User model for the user to whom task viewing
    #          permission is being granted or revoked.
    #   :form  Prevailing outer form, e.g. the value of "f" in a view
    #          which has enclosed the call in "form_for :foo do | f |".
    #          This leads to "task_ids" being invoked on the model associated
    #          with the form to determine which items in the selection list,
    #          if any, must be initially selected in the non-JS page version.
    # NOTE: All edge case conditions (no tasks, etc.) are handled internally
    # with relevant messages included in the HTML output.
    when :user_permitted_task_list
      return '' if ( @current_user.restricted? ) # Privileged users only!

      if ( )

        output << "There are no tasks currently defined. Please\n"
        output << "#{ link_to( 'create at least one', new_task_path() ) }."


        if ( session[ :javascript ].nil? )
          tasks =
          Task.sort_by_augmented_title( tasks )
          output << apphelp_collection_select( form, :task_ids, tasks, :id, :augmented_title )

          # Don't use "user.[foo_]permitted_tasks" here as we *want* an empty
          # list for privileged accounts where no tasks have been set up.

          output << taskhelp_tree_selector(
            { :selected_tasks => user.tasks }

        unless ( user.restricted? )
          output << "\n\n"
          output << "<p>\n"
          output << "  This list is only enforced for users with a\n"
          output << "  'normal' account type. It is included here\n"
          output << "  in case you are intending to change the account\n"
          output << "  type and want to assign tasks at the same time.\n"
          output << "</p>"


  # All done. Indent or otherwise add a prefix to each line of output if
  # so required by the options and return the overall result.

  line_prefix = options.delete( :line_prefix )
  output.gsub!( /^/, line_prefix ) unless ( output.empty? || line_prefix.nil? )

  return output.html_safe()
taskhelp_duration( task ) click to toggle source

Return a formatted duration for the given task, for use in list views.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 68
def taskhelp_duration( task )
  return apphelp_string_hours( task.duration.to_s, '0', '?' )
taskhelp_overrun( hours, duration ) click to toggle source

Return HTML showing the number of hours overrun on a task, or a label indicating no overrun. Pass the number of hours and the expected task duration.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 44
def taskhelp_overrun( hours, duration )
  if ( hours > duration and duration != 0 )
    return apphelp_hours( hours - duration )
    return '<span class="no_overrun">None</span>'.html_safe()
taskhelp_project( task ) click to toggle source

Return a name of a given task’s associated project, for use in list views.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 54
def taskhelp_project( task )
  return '-'.html_safe() if ( task.project.nil? )
  return apphelp_augmented_link( task.project )
taskhelp_project_selector( task ) click to toggle source

Return HTML suitable for an edit form, providing a grouped list of projects that can be assigned to the task. The list is grouped by customer in default customer sort order, along with a ‘None’ entry for unassigned projects. Pass the task object being edited.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 18
def taskhelp_project_selector( task )
  return apphelp_project_selector(
taskhelp_remaining( hours, duration ) click to toggle source

Return HTML showing the remaining hours on a task, or a label indicating overrun. Pass the number of hours and the expected task duration.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 31
def taskhelp_remaining( hours, duration )
  if ( hours > duration and duration != 0 )
    return '<span class="overrun">Overrunning</span>'.html_safe()
    return apphelp_hours( 0 ) if ( duration == 0 )
    return apphelp_hours( duration - hours )
taskhelp_tree_selector( form, options = {} ) click to toggle source

Generate a YUI tree task selector. Pass a form builder object in the first parameter (e.g. “bar” in “form_for @foo do | bar |”). The “object_name” field is used to generate a unique ID and name for a hidden element which carries IDs of selected YUI tree nodes, in the form “name[]” - as used by non-JS SELECT lists elsewhere. In the form submission processing code, you must handle the use of special IDs in the YUI tree (“P” prefix for Projects, “C” prefix for Customers, no prefix for tasks).

In the next parameter optionally pass an options hash with keys and values as shown below; any omitted key/value pair results in the described default value being used instead.

Key              Meaning
:inactive        If 'true', only inactive tasks, customers and projects
                 are shown in the selector. By default, only active items
                 will be shown.

:restricted_by   The task/project/customer list for currently logged in
                 users who are restricted is always restricted by that
                 user's permitted task list no matter what you set here.
                 If the current user is privileged, though, then passing
                 in a User object results in restriction by that user's
                 permitted task list. By default there is no restriction
                 so for privileged currently logged in users, all tasks
                 would be shown.

:included_tasks  If you know up-front a full list of tasks to show, then
                 pass them in here. Only items in the included list will
                 be shown. IDs get passed to the XHR handler, among other
                 things. This is NOT a security feature - see
                 ":restricted_by" for that.

:selected_tasks  An array of tasks to be initially selected in the tree.
                 May be empty. By default no tasks are selected. Ideally
                 the list should include no tasks that the current user
                 or 'restricted_by' key would hide, but if it does, they
                 simply won't be shown or selected and only the task IDs
                 will appear in HTML output.

:suffix_html     Beneath the text area gadget listing selected tasks is
                 a "Change..." link which pops up the Leightbox overlay
                 containing the YUI tree. If you want any extra HTML
                 inserted directly after the "</a>" of this link but
                 before the (hidden) DIV enclosing the tree, use this
                 option to include it. To keep things tidy, ensure that
                 the string is terminated by a newline ("\n") character.

:change_text     Speaking of the "Change..." link - alter its text with
                 this option, or omit for the default "Change..." string.

:params_name     Name to use in params instead of "task_ids", so that
                 instead of reading "params[form.object_name][:task_ids]"
                 in the controller handling the form submission, you read
                 the params entry corresponding to the given name.

See also “#taskhelp_degrading_selector” for JS/non-JS degrading code.

Note that projects with no customer, or tasks with no project will not be shown in the tree; “unassigned” projects and customers are really just an administrative convenience during times when things might be in the process of being reassigned, or right at the start when someone is setting up new tasks, projects and customers, not necessarily starting with the customer definition first.

# File app/helpers/tasks_helper.rb, line 190
  def taskhelp_tree_selector( form, options = {} )

    inactive       = options.delete( :inactive       )
    restricted_by  = options.delete( :restricted_by  )
    included_tasks = options.delete( :included_tasks )
    selected_tasks = options.delete( :selected_tasks ) || []
    suffix_html    = options.delete( :suffix_html    ) || ''
    change_text    = options.delete( :change_text    ) || 'Change...'
    params_name    = options.delete( :params_name    ) || :task_ids

    # Callers may generate trees restricted by the current user, but if that
    # user is themselves privileged their restricted task list will be empty
    # (because they can see anything). The simplest way to deal with this is
    # to clear the restricted user field in such cases.

    restricted_by = nil unless ( restricted_by.nil? || restricted_by.restricted? )

    # Based on the restricted task list - or otherwise - try to get at the root
    # customer array as easily as possible, trying to avoid pulling all tasks
    # out of the database. This is a bit painful either way, but usually a
    # restricted user will have a relatively small set of tasks assigned to
    # them so doing the array processing in Ruby isn't too big a deal.

    if ( @current_user.restricted? )
      permitted_tasks = @current_user.active_permitted_tasks()
      permitted_tasks = restricted_by.active_permitted_tasks() unless ( restricted_by.nil? )

    unless ( included_tasks.nil? )
      if ( permitted_tasks.nil? )
        permitted_tasks  = included_tasks
        permitted_tasks &= included_tasks

    if ( permitted_tasks.nil? )
      root_customers = Customer.all
      root_projects  = { | task    | task.project             }.uniq
      root_customers =   { | project | project.try( :customer ) }.uniq

    # Reject items with no active / inactive tasks.

    method = inactive ? :inactive : :active

    root_customers.reject! do | customer |
      customer.nil? || customer.tasks.send( method )

    # Sort the root list by default order. Related associations are sorted
    # according to declarations made in the model code.

    Customer.apply_default_sort_order( root_customers )

    # Now take the selected task list and do something similar to get at the
    # selected project and customer IDs so we can build a complete list of the
    # node IDs to be initially expanded and checked in the YUI tree. The
    # customer list is sorted so that when the YUI tree starts expanding nodes,
    # it does it in display order from top to bottom - this looks better than
    # an arbitrary expansion order.

    selected_projects     =    { | task    | task.project     }.uniq
    selected_customers    = { | project | project.customer }.uniq

    Customer.apply_default_sort_order( selected_customers )

    selected_task_ids     =     { | item |         }
    selected_project_ids  =  { | item | "P#{ }" }
    selected_customer_ids = { | item | "C#{ }" }

    selected_ids = selected_customer_ids + selected_project_ids + selected_task_ids

    # Turn an included task list into IDs too, if present

    included_ids = ( included_tasks || [] ).map { | item | }

    # Generate the root node data and extra XHR parameters to pass to the tree
    # controller in 'tree_controller.rb'.

    roots = do | customer |
        :label  => customer.title,
        :isLeaf => false,
        :id     => "C#{ }"

    data_for_xhr_call  = []
    data_for_xhr_call << 'inactive' if ( inactive )
    data_for_xhr_call << "restrict,#{ }" unless ( restricted_by.nil? )
    data_for_xhr_call << "include,#{ included_ids.join( '_' ) }" unless ( included_ids.empty? )

    # Create and (implicitly) return the HTML.

    id   = "#{ form.object_name }_#{ params_name }"
    name = "#{ form.object_name }[#{ params_name }][]"
    tree = yui_tree(
      :multiple             => true,
      :target_form_field_id => id,
      :target_name_field_id => "#{ id }_text",
      :name_field_separator => "\n", # Yes, a literal newline character
      :name_include_parents => ' &raquo; ',
      :name_leaf_nodes_only => true,
      :form_leaf_nodes_only => true,
      :expand               => selected_ids,
      :highlight            => selected_ids,
      :propagate_up         => true,
      :propagate_down       => true,
      :root_collection      => roots,
      :data_for_xhr_call    => data_for_xhr_call.join( ',' ),
      :div_id               => 'yui_tree_container_' << id
    ).gsub( /^/, '  ' )
    html = <<HTML
<textarea disabled="disabled" rows="5" cols="60" class="tree_selector_text" id="#{ id }_text">Task data loading...</textarea>
<br />
<a href="#leightbox_tree_#{ id }" data-leightbox="leightbox_tree_#{ id }" class="lbOn">#{ change_text }</a>
#{ suffix_html }<div id="leightbox_tree_#{ id }" class="leightbox">
  <a href="#" class="lbAction" data-leightbox="deactivate">Close</a>
  #{ taskhelp_billable_help }
  #{ hidden_field_tag( id, selected_task_ids.join( ',' ), { :name => name } ) }
#{ tree }
  <a href="#" class="lbAction" data-leightbox="deactivate">Close</a>

    return html.html_safe()