Hipposoft 2013
Generate CSV format reports and send the data to browsers.
25-Jul-2013 (ADH): Created.
Private methods are contained herein. Note the prefixes used on all method names to avoid ReportsController collisions.
See the namespace documentation of the base TrackRecordReportGenerator module for more details.
# File lib/report_generators/track_record_report_generator_uk_org_pond_csv.rb, line 134 def self.extended( base ) class << base private # Send a by-task CSV format report through the given CSV output stream using # the given TrackRecordReport::Report instance. Pass also a headings array that # gives the heading suffices for each of the kinds of numbers that "hours" will # output based on prevailing instance variables (see that function for details). # The last parameter is a "comprehensive report" flag, forcing per-user # breakdown on the assumption that a report is appropriate compiled. # def uk_org_pond_csv_report_by_task( csv, report, headings, comprehensive ) # Assemble the heading row. file_row = [ report.column_title, 'Code', 'Billable?', 'Active?' ] report.each_column_range do | range | partial = report.partial_column?( range ) ? ' (partial)' : '' headings.each do | heading | file_row << "#{ report.column_heading( range, true ) }#{ partial }#{ heading }" end end headings.each do | heading | file_row << "Row total#{ heading }" end if ( report.filtered_users.empty? ) file_row << 'Duration' file_row << 'Remaining (actual)' file_row << 'Remaining (potential)' end csv << file_row.flatten # Section and task list, date range breakdown. application_helper = ApplicationHelper ) report.each_row do | row, task | section, is_new_section, group, is_new_group = @report.retrieve( ) file_row = [] # New section? Write out the section title and totals if so. if ( is_new_section ) file_row << section.title( nil, true ) file_row << ( task.project.try( :code ) || '-' ) << '' << '' report.each_cell_for( section ) do | section_cell | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, section_cell ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, section ) if ( report.filtered_users.empty? ) file_row << '' << '' << '' end csv << file_row.flatten file_row = [] end # Task title, data and summary information file_row << " -- #{ task.title }" file_row << task.code file_row << application_helper.apphelp_boolean( task.billable ) file_row << application_helper.apphelp_boolean( ) report.each_cell_for( row ) do | cell | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, cell ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, row ) if ( report.filtered_users.empty? ) if ( task.duration == 0.0 ) file_row << '' << '' << '' else file_row << task.duration file_row << task.duration - ( row.try( :committed ) || 0 ) file_row << task.duration - ( row.try( :total ) || 0 ) end end csv << file_row.flatten if ( comprehensive ) report.each_user_on_row( row ) do | user, row_total_for_user | file_row = [ " ---- #{ }", '', '', '' ] report.each_cell_for_user_on_row( user, row ) do | cell_for_user | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, cell_for_user ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, row_total_for_user ) end csv << file_row.flatten end end # Column totals. file_row = [ 'Column total', '', '', '' ] report.each_column_total do | total | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, total ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, report ) if ( report.filtered_users.empty? ) file_row << report.total_duration file_row << report.total_actual_remaining file_row << report.total_potential_remaining end csv << file_row.flatten end # As "uk_org_pond_csv_report_by_task", but generates a per-user report. def uk_org_pond_csv_report_by_user( csv, report, headings ) # Assemble the heading row. file_row = [ '', 'Code', 'Billable?', 'Active?' ] report.each_user do | user | headings.each do | heading | file_row << "#{ }#{ heading }" end end headings.each do | heading | file_row << "Row total#{ heading }" end csv << file_row.flatten # Section and task list, user breakdown. application_helper = ApplicationHelper ) report.each_row do | row, task | section, is_new_section, group, is_new_group = @report.retrieve( ) file_row = [] # New section? Write out the section title and totals if so. if ( is_new_section ) file_row << section.title( nil, true ) file_row << ( task.project.try( :code ) || '-' ) << '' << '' report.each_user do | user | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, section.try( :user_total, ) ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, section ) csv << file_row.flatten file_row = [] end # Task title, data and summary information file_row << " -- #{ task.title }" file_row << task.code file_row << application_helper.apphelp_boolean( task.billable ) file_row << application_helper.apphelp_boolean( ) report.each_user do | user | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, row.try( :user_total, ) ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, row ) csv << file_row.flatten end # Column totals. file_row = [ 'Column total', '', '', '' ] report.each_user do | user | file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, report.try( :user_total, ) ) end file_row << uk_org_pond_hours( report, report ) csv << file_row.flatten end # Return an array with total, committed and not committed hours based # on the given TrackRecordReport::Report instance's configuration and a # TrackRecordReport::ReportElementaryCalculator object. # def uk_org_pond_hours( report, calculator ) a = [] a << uk_org_pond_terse_hours( calculator.try( :total ) || 0 ) if ( report.include_totals ) a << uk_org_pond_terse_hours( calculator.try( :committed ) || 0 ) if ( report.include_committed ) a << uk_org_pond_terse_hours( calculator.try( :not_committed ) || 0 ) if ( report.include_not_committed ) return a end # Terse hours - return a given float number of hours to 2d.p. or the # smallest possible form (e.g. "0.0" becomes "0"). # def uk_org_pond_terse_hours( hours ) return hours.precision( 2 ).to_s.chomp( '0' ).chomp( '0' ).chomp( '.' ) end # Return a form element ID to use for a given report type. # def uk_org_pond_id_for_type( type ) "include_title_for_#{ type }" end end # class << base end
See module TrackRecordReportGenerator for details.
# File lib/report_generators/track_record_report_generator_uk_org_pond_csv.rb, line 59 def generate( report_type, report, options = {} ) include_title = ( options[ uk_org_pond_id_for_type( report_type ) ] == '1' ) headings = [] headings << ' (total)' if ( report.include_totals ) headings << ' (com.)' if ( report.include_committed ) headings << ' (not com.)' if ( report.include_not_committed ) # Old-style streaming has becomes unreliable lately; the v1.0 approach as # per "" # often failed with Rails 2.3 and/or certain FasterCSV versions (I never # did find out exactly what caused the problem though). # # The simplest solution is to use the ActiveRecord::Streaming "send_data" # call, putting all the load on the Rails framework. Unfortunately this # means the whole CSV file ends up in RAM before being sent - inefficient. label = report.label.downcase.gsub( ' ', '_' ) sformat = '%Y%m%d' # Compressed ISO-style fformat = '%Y-%m-%d' # Less compressed ISO-style stoday = Date.current.strftime( sformat ) ftoday = Date.current.strftime( fformat ) sstart_at = report.range.min.strftime( sformat ) fstart_at = report.range.min.strftime( fformat ) send_at = report.range.max.strftime( sformat ) fend_at = report.range.max.strftime( fformat ) filename = "report_#{ label }_on_#{ stoday }_for_#{ sstart_at }_to_#{ send_at }.csv" title = [ "#{ report_type.to_s.capitalize } report on #{ ftoday }", "From #{ fstart_at }", "To #{ fend_at }", '(inclusive)' ] # First compile the file. whole_csv_file = CSV.generate do | csv | if ( include_title ) csv << [ report.title ] unless report.title.empty? csv << title end case report_type when :user uk_org_pond_csv_report_by_user( csv, report, headings ) when :comprehensive uk_org_pond_csv_report_by_task( csv, report, headings, true ) else uk_org_pond_csv_report_by_task( csv, report, headings, false ) end end # Next send the data all in one go. send_data( whole_csv_file, { :type => 'text/csv', :disposition => 'attachment', :filename => filename } ) # Indicate success. return nil end
See module TrackRecordReportGenerator for details.
# File lib/report_generators/track_record_report_generator_uk_org_pond_csv.rb, line 43 def invocation_options_for( type ) [ { :checkbox => { :label => "Add title to first row", :checked => true, :id => uk_org_pond_id_for_type( type ) } } ] end
See module TrackRecordReportGenerator for details.
# File lib/report_generators/track_record_report_generator_uk_org_pond_csv.rb, line 17 def understands?( type ) case type when :user, :task, :comprehensive true else false end end