Hipposoft 2008
Manage Acts As Audited tables.
20-Jan-2008 (ADH): Created.
List audit information.
# File app/controllers/audits_controller.rb, line 20 def index # Set up the column data; see the index helper functions in # application_helper.rb for details. @columns = [ { :header_text => 'When?', :value_helper => :apphelp_created_at, :sort_by => 'created_at' }, { :header_text => 'Who?', :value_helper => :audithelp_user_name, :sort_by => '' }, { :header_text => 'What?', :value_helper => :audithelp_type_of_change, :sort_by => 'auditable_type' }, { :header_text => 'Changes', :value_helper => :audithelp_changes, }, { :header_text => 'Revision', :value_method => :version, :header_align => 'center', :value_align => 'center' }, ] # Get the basic options hash from ApplicationController, then handle # search forms. options = appctrl_index_assist( Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit ) conditions_vars = {} search_num = params[ :search ].to_i search_str = "%#{ params[ :search ] }%" # SQL wildcards either side of the search string range_sql, range_start, range_end = appctrl_search_range_sql( Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit ) conditions_sql = "WHERE #{ range_sql } ( action ILIKE :search_str OR auditable_type ILIKE :search_str OR ILIKE :search_str OR version = :search_num )" conditions_vars = { :search_num => search_num, :search_str => search_str, :range_start => range_start, :range_end => range_end } # Sort order is already partially compiled in 'options' from the earlier # call to 'appctrl_index_assist'. order_sql = "ORDER BY #{ options[ :order ] }, created_at DESC" options.delete( :order ) # Construct the query. finder_sql = "SELECT audits.* FROM audits\n" << "LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON ( audits.user_id = )\n" << "#{ conditions_sql }\n" << "#{ order_sql }" # Now paginate using this SQL query. @audits = Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit.paginate_by_sql( [ finder_sql, conditions_vars ], options ) end